Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Quinoa Vegetable Salad and a little Art Journaling

One of my goals this summer is to play a little more. To that end I signed up for Teresa McFayden's "A Journal of Interest" art journaling ezine. I'm having a lot of fun and learning some new techniques. The above page features a quote I think so true - creativity is like love - the more you express it, the more you have.

And this is the bookplate page, just in case the journal gets lost and needs to be returned. I added my address after the photo was taken. I'm trying hard to give in to my intuitions about art rather than rethink everything I do. I tend to want everything to turn out well the first time, but there is much to learn in experimenting, taking risks, and trying again.

I made this quinoa salad over the weekend and really liked it. My husband didn't care much for it, but he's a potato salad man and not into all these fresh herbs and things. My daughters and our Spanish house guest loved it, so...

The recipe can be found by clicking here, on my recipe blog.
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  1. Oh that journal entry is SO lovely! Well done.

  2. My hat's off to you for journaling. The pages of my art journal are "filled" with good intentions (blank). hee hee

    I think I would enjoy the salad. I love unusual flavors and "lighter" eating.

  3. What a great idea -- to play more this summer. And thanks for sharing that fun link. I'm going to check it out too.

    Loved your bookplate page.

    The salad looks yumptious! I've never had quinoa.


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