Sunday, September 26, 2010

Metamorphosis - Baby to Bride

She was born on a sunny day in a small hospital on the edge of the Amazon jungle. Here she is, just a few hours old. Good friends came by with a chocolate pie and we had a little party to welcome our third child into the world. I guess we laughed too loudly because a nurse came and told us to quiet down.

And here she is, all grown up, 24 years later, with her brand-new husband.

Happiest of birthdays to our beautiful daughter. You've enriched our lives, added to our joy, and we thank God for you!

Maggie of Normandy Life suggested that I link this post to Metamorphosis Monday - where posts involve an alteration of some sort - usually a craft project. Instead, this metamorphosis features the change from baby to bride!

Click here to find many more metamorphoses!


  1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  2. Happy Birthday to your absolutely gorgeous daughter! She is really stunning in her exquisite wedding gown!

  3. Hi Lorrie,

    Happy birthday to sweet Ashley.
    You look the same as you did 24 years ago. What is the secret? I am trying to catch up on reading my fav's. The dress you made for the wedding is stunning.
    Your daughter and her hubby make a fantastic couple. She is simply radiant.

    Big hugs from your often absent friend,

  4. Oh Lorrie there is no greater joy in the heart of a mother than to see her beautiful little girl grow up into such a stunning young lady. You can be proud and call your life a success because your children have made a fine way in this world. God's blessings on all of you...
    Victorially, Karla

  5. Wow! You really haven't changed. Now that Ashley! She sure grew up fast. What a beautiful baby she was and what a beautiful bride.

  6. Happy Birthday and congratulations to your beautiful daughter...Hugs

  7. Lorrie please say "Bon anniversaire" to your lovely daughter from me.
    You could link this post to Metamorphosis Monday.
    From beautiful baby to beautiful bride!

  8. Beautiful baby, beautiful girl. Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  9. Happy Birthday Ashley!

  10. Happy Birthday and congratulations to your daughter. What a beautiful bride she is. Thanks for visiting my blog and your sweet comment.

    Have a wonderful day.

  11. Your daughter was and is so beautiful - you could be twins!

  12. I love your depiction of metamorphosis...from bouncing baby to beautiful bride in the blink of an eye! Happy birthday to your lovely daughter.

  13. so happy you linked to met monday. your daughter looks beautiful, love that dress!


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  A quick post from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where the sun shines most of the day and the temperature is pleasant, but not hot.  Sunset over ...