Monday, April 15, 2013

Magnolias and Celebrations

The other day when I was out and about in the neighborhood, snapping pictures of hyacinths, I stepped into another driveway to photograph this magnificent magnolia tree. I've been eyeing it for weeks now, waiting for the buds to open. Isn't it beautiful, all frothy pink against the blue sky? I'm glad I went when I did for since then we've had strong winds, and then a hailstorm on Saturday. I haven't been by to see what might have happened to the blossoms.

Have you heard of the blog, Mennonite Girls Can Cook? It's a wonderful resource for delicious recipes. The MGCC girls have just received the first copies of their second book, called Celebrations. And they are having a giveaway. Just visit the blog! You'll be glad you did.

Little Miss A was over for a few hours yesterday. On my coffee table is a bowl with pieces of sea glass I've collected over the years. I let her play with it - she stirs it around, feeds it to her baby and loves handling it. Yesterday, in a most grownup little 2-year-old voice, she said, "they are so colorful." Expression, intonation - everything was correct. I giggle to myself every time I think of it.


  1. Absolutely stunning photos. I love it when they bloom. Darling story about your granddaughter. Our grandson, in kindergarten - told his teacher, when referring to the picture he was coloring - "the colors are absolutely dazzling". Clever little ones!

  2. Beautiful...your magnolia pic's. The wind has whipped most of the blooms from our two trees...but we certainly enjoyed them while we could!

    Thanks for 'celebrating' with us...and sending your friends to check out our new book.

  3. PS Love your Little Miss A quote!

  4. Beautiful magnolia photos. I love those trees. Thanks for the shout out for our book!

  5. Nothing quite so lovely as Magnolias, especially the pink ones.

  6. From the mouths of babes... isn't that just so sweet!
    Lorrie, you must write it down in a note book "Little Miss A's Collection" to pass on to her in years to come... she will appreciate it (just a thought)!
    My Little Misses Z & S had some wonderful sayings that I've recorded and will put in a fabric journal for their 10th birthdays.

    Oh that Magnolia is divine with the blue blue sky in the background.
    The single bloom in focus is breathtaking!
    I'm so pleased you took your photos before the storm.
    (the will both make great Note Cards)!
    Shane ♥

  7. Lovely magnolia! I too am looking forward to getting the "Celebrations" book...I am hoping they will have a book signing near us again.

  8. Gorgeous magnolia, especially the single bloom up close. I use several recipes from the MGCC blog and will have to go over for a chance to win their new book.

  9. It's a beauty! Hope that there are blossoms left after the storms.

    After seeing the girls receive their books, I want mine! Must get my order in at Amazon.

    How sweet to document your little granddaughter's words. No wonder you are grinning.

  10. What a gorgeous tree! There are a few magnolias in our area but not many. And of course they aren't blooming yet. Nothing is blooming yet but I notice the forsythia is getting more yellow looking so it's almost ready to open. Aren't 2 year olds just the cutest? I had a voice message here today from our 2 1/2 year old grandson. His mum was prompting him but his message was so clear and cute. I love that boy so much! I hope to get a copy of the Celebrations cookbook soon. It's so exciting for them!

  11. Aren't the magnolias gorgeous? Ours is still in bud, so the blossoms missed the terrible wind and rain of Friday night. Your Little Miss must be adorable! How lucky you are to have her (and her cousin)nearby!

  12. I love magnolia trees! Their blossoms are so magnificent. We are getting snow again today so spring is playing "hide and seek' with Colorado!

    I also collect sea glass, Lorrie! I have quite a bit I collected near my husband's home town in Southern Italy, off the Ionian Sea.

  13. I love magnolias, and I kept meaning to photograph a few this year -- I love them from their furry bud stage right through the full-blown blossoms. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos -- so uplifting!

  14. I've enjoyed catching up on all your lovely posts recently. I'll be interested to see where your creative spurt leads you and think the embroidery would look so sweet on the bodice of two small summer dresses...I wonder if you're thinking along the same lines. i popped over to have a look at the celebration for "Celebrations" but found myself late to enter. that will teach me to stay away from blogging for awhile, but i'm looking forward to ordering my own copy and several others for gifts. Have a great week Lorrie.

  15. Lorrie, I can hardly say enough to express to you how much your comments mean to me, in general, and your most recent one in particular. You are a motivating force for me to keep putting myself out there, to be real, and to keep trying.
    Maybe later today, I will be checking out the cooking website, as I am always looking for inspiration to improve my skills and repertoire. Right now, I'm going for a walk down to the beach (toting the camera), breathing prayer about the Boston thing, and recovering from the emotion I poured into my post.
    Thanks so much for your constancy, your creativity, and your compassion.
    I will look for some sea glass for you and Miss B.

  16. Where do these things come from? Sometimes they surprise you with their worldliness.

    Gorgeous magnolia, too early here for them. I visited MGCC in the past, they’re a great site.

  17. Beautiful against your bright blue sky. Sounds like my Grands. I have a glass bowl on sideboard full of blue glass 'stones' and they love to play with them.


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Friday Thoughts on Spring

  Trees still show their skeletal outlines, brown against blue sky and wispy clouds. Stems are swelling and I expect a burst of bright acid ...