Thursday, April 17, 2014

An Abundance of Blossoms

Today's walk takes me through streets dampened by rain in the night. Grass grows visibly these days, reaching up, up, up to the light. All is emerald and lime and parsley-colored.

   My route lies along wooded pathways, peppered now with clumps of bluebells. They grow, too, in my garden and I pick a handful for my kitchen windowsill where the scent of sweetness and spring wafts gently as I finish the dishes.

White stars have fallen to earth, it seems, in the form of fawn lilies. They grow 12 inches, perhaps, above the ground, faces downward.

I crouch low to look the lily in the face and am rewarded by brightness and intricate design, along with damp knees. 

Returning once more to Lily Avenue, I discover the naturalized lawn covered with shooting stars. Johnson's  Henderson's Shooting Stars. Paler pink than other years, poised to dive downwards into the leggy grass.(edited on 4/21) Thanks to Gretchen for being puzzled about the name.

Pink magnolias sit like cups on branches. Tightly closed tiny daisies, white petals tinged with pink and sunny yellow centers. Ruffles of pink cherry blossoms dance like bridesmaids. Hyacinths and tulips and daffodils. The world is bursting with color and life and an abundance of flowers. Soon the lilacs will bloom. A parade of purple, blue, white, pink and green and fragrance. Spring's assault on the senses. 

Perhaps ee cummings says it best, 
"i thank You, God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky: and for everything
which is infinite which is yes." 

I'll be taking a little break for the next few days. I wish you all a most blessed and happy Easter. May you know the joy and hope of resurrection life. 


  1. sweet flowers show that spring has finally arrived.

  2. You have shared some new to me flowers. I was delighted by the shooting stars...they look like wee dancers. No wonder some believe in garden fairies. Thank you for the Easter blessing. All joys to you and yours as you celebrate this season.

  3. Beautiful blooms! A most blessed Easter weekend to you and yours!

  4. So beautiful...the blooms of spring! Wishing you and your family a most blessed Easter!

  5. Flowers in spring. Nothing beats that combination. Wonderful photos.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. Thank you for taking the time to share the spring treasures found on your walk! Fawn (Glacier) lilies and shooting stars are two of my favorites. And I can almost smell the promise of lilacs blooming!

  7. Beautiful flowers and beautiful pictures.

  8. Some of those are new to me too. Very beautiful.

  9. Have a lovely Easter, Lorrie. He is risen!

  10. Such a beautiful walk you get to enjoy. I love the shooting star flowers and haven't seen them before. Have a blessed Easter weekend.

  11. Have a lovely Easter dear x

  12. Your walk through the flowers is spectacular.
    Not sure I have seen the lily before and not much
    of the shooting stars. The bluebells take over my
    yard like a weed, so I try to get rid of them. Others,
    including my husband think I am crazy. Lilacs, I am
    in heaven when they are blooming. Happy Easter!

  13. Interesting. . . our Erythronium (erythronia for plural, I guess) are mostly spent, and yet the lilacs in my yard are at least a week behind yours. . . .As usual, your photos are glorious, thank you!

  14. You have showcased such lovely gifts from our Creator!
    May your family's Resurrection celebration be blessed as well!

  15. Your photos of your spring flowers are exquisite, Lorrie! Thanks for sharing them as many are new to me.
    Enjoy your little break & have a wonderfully Blessed Easter, too!


  16. Such gorgeous photos Lorrie. Everything looks so light and lush. Thank you for your visit to my blog and your lovely comments on my niece's baby pictures. Hope you have a lovely Easter weekend!!

  17. It appears that spring has indeed beautifully sprung!

    Have a delightfully lovely Easter.

  18. Beautiful, beautiful. So glad it's Spring somewhere in this great land of's not here in Alberta yet!

    Wishing you a lovely Easter reflection and celebration weekend.


  19. Lorrie, I have never commented before but I so enjoy your blog and I have been following for several years. I so enjoy your pics but mostly I enjoy your very descriptive and poetic comments. You have such a gift for words. Blessings to you during this Holy Season.

  20. Those Johnson Shooting Stars are incredible! I will have to research them and see if they would grow OK here. May God bless you and your family this Easter weekend as we celebrate the reason for our hope.

  21. Oh so pretty. Loving the Fawn Lilies and the Shooting Stars.

  22. I also love the shooting stars the best! We have some that we see in the high mountains, and I looked up yours to see if it's anything like - but I can't find any with that common name. Do you think it is the same as this one: Dodecatheon hendersonii ?

  23. Thank you for sharing these beauties, Lorrie. I think I can almost smell those pretties and it gives me hope for the growing season ahead (which is quite a bit behind where you are - we'll be lucky to see lilacs blooming come the end of June... but the wait is always worth it ;o).

  24. Very pretty. I have had a running battle for years in the garden but decided this year to let them do their thing now that I have cut down on some of the gardening.


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