Friday, April 04, 2014

Five on Friday

Today slipped away in a flurry of phone calls, stacks of fresh, folded laundry, bathroom cleaning, and a walk in the sunshine. Blogging took a decided back seat. But here we are, and it's still Friday.

First of all, I did a little spring freshening up of my living room mantel. A stack of books. Trading out brass candlesticks for crystal, a piece of driftwood to hint of summer, and a leggy bunch of tulips, pink with blue centers. Here, I'll show you.

Blue! Amazing. The black flecks are all the pollen that is falling off. 

Two: We've had a lovely week, weather-wise. We mowed the lawn. I push the mower until he's finished doing the edging - by then I've usually completed the flat sections and he finishes off the rest. The smell of freshly cut grass sings summer to me. 

Three: I planted kale and radish seeds on Tuesday. The latter should be poking up through the ground tomorrow or Sunday. 

A quote for number four, well-known, but I read it with a new perspective this week:

"We shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring will be to 
arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."
T.S. Eliot (The Wasteland)

And last, but not least, a new song. I heard this on CBC while driving today in the bright sunshine. I find the words compelling and the music folksy and lovely.  Do listen and watch. The lyrics show up on the video, a good thing if you, like me, sometimes often have a hard time deciphering the words.

Matt Epp's Never Have I Loved Like This 
Have a wonderful weekend. Do you have anything planned? There's not much defined around here, so whatever unfolds will be spontaneous. 


  1. This weekend is full with work tomorrow, a late dinner for two tomorrow night, sleep in on Sunday and then we hope to work outside a bit now that our snow is melting away. But if it's cold, we'll keep packing!!

    Enjoy your weekend. Thanks for sharing your Five on Friday!

  2. I enjoyed a nice Friday evening visit over here...listened to Matt Epp and then 'googled' his story. I most enjoyed what I heard!

    I'm mostly eating some more this weekend. :) And enjoying dome company. It's all good!

  3. Your pink tulips with the fringed edges did way better than mine. They never opened up for me at all so I didn't get to see the blue centres. Pink and blue so nice together. Enjoyed the song as well. Have a lovely weekend, Lorrie.

  4. Beautiful
    Enjoy your weekend x

  5. I don't think I've ever seen a tulip with a blue centre, most unusual!
    We will be resting this weekend, and trying to centre ourselves after a fairly difficult fortnight. Thank you for your good wishes.
    By the way, my Cornflowers and Scabious were sent as plants, I'm taking the easy way this year!

  6. Who needs the weekend when the week is so full of wonderful moments! The smell of cut grass, a touch of blue and driftwood. Sounds perfect.

  7. My senses are imagining the sound of a lawn mower and the smell of the fresh cut grass as it is snowing again. :-(
    The tulip macro is awesome, species tulips often have blue in the centre so it's nice to see it in a full size one.

  8. Your mantel looks charming and I like the ivy. I listened to the song. I was ready for it to be over at 3 minutes, but then I would have missed some intense imagery. Wonder why they let it play out in silence so long? I can not even remember what freshly mown grass smells like. It's been raining all night, yet has not made a dent that I can see in the snow cover.

  9. Lorrie, your mantel with the tulips looks very pretty. I love the smell of fresh mown grass. I remember Yankee candle had a sampler called that many years ago. It kind of captured the smell but there's nothing like the real thing. We got more snow again last night, just that much farther north than Vee. :) But it's mild and it's wet snow and it will melt soon. Have a lovely weekend.

  10. Thanks! A lovely post for the spirit in so many ways. Off now to check out the new music. . .

  11. The tulips are beautiful and the mantel hints of summer - I'm waiting. Wasn't yesterday gorgeous? Rain predicted and we had sunshine most of the day - I like that forecast.

    We are packing this weekend - leaving for WV for 2 weeks on Wednesday - lots of hugs and playing with our almost 3 year old grandson. And a little last minute tidying up so the house is clean when we get home. Enjoy your weekend.

  12. Those are some amazing and gorgeous tulips, now I know where all of them are being sent for


  13. Such a cheerful post to jump start the weekend.
    I must get some radish seeds as I love how fast they grow! Spring weather and your beautiful tulips are so uplifting. Enjoy the weekend.

  14. The song has such beautiful images of love. Thanks!
    Your tulips and mantel are just lovely, lovely.
    Kale went in our garden this week also. Something I am
    learning to love. Also planted fennel.

  15. Gosh you are way ahead of us, my veggie garden is still covered in snow. Hope you are enjoying the weekend.

  16. Your mantle looks lovely. What a beautiful shade of pink!

  17. Some lovely spring happiness on your mantel! I went out today and bought a whole load of tulips and stocks to fill my vases in the house. With a week off work, I wanted the house looking as springlike as possible while I am actually there! Have a wonderful weekend my friend xx

  18. I enjoyed your "Five on Friday"...even though it is Saturday evening!

    I love your freshened up mantle and am fascinated by the color(s) of the tulips. The petals also appear to have a jagged edge, do they not? I had some like that recently and I had never seen such petals before.

    I will have to come back to listen to the song. My family is watching "The Count of Monte Cristo" so I can't turn on the audio. :)

  19. Those tulips!!! I would have expected yellow in the center, what a lovely secret she harbors instead. Who knew? Blue!
    Thank you for your visit and kind comment on my blog. I did have a good visit, although my errand was to help due to illness. My stepfather has leukemia, and needs prayers. His name is Jim, if you would like to add him to your Prayer List. I hope I'm not being presumptive, but having glimpsed your heart for others... I hope your weekend spontaneity is light and refreshing and relaxing. And I bet we'll be seeing the photos as the week goes by.

  20. The close up of your flower is just amazing. You can see every detail...what you would never notice at first glance! Enjoy your evening my friend! Hugs!

  21. love that pollen falling....gorgeous! :)

  22. Such a lovely post - the tulips are amazing and I always love how they keep growing and bow down once in the water. The music is special - I loved the mention of pelicans, always enjoy watching them flying in lines just above the water at the beach.

    Love, Mary

  23. Your fireplace mantle decor is so pretty! Inspiring me to think of adding something to mine as well ..
    one of these days. There is something about bringing Spring inside!

  24. I absolutely love those tulips Lorrie! Blue centers on a tulip? Wow!
    We're enjoying spring down here too--playing at parks with the Small One (youngest granddaughter), planting lettuce seedlings and cilantro (nom nom), major spring cleaning and organization, etc.
    Blessings, A

  25. Such a pretty bouquet of tulips! I'm glad that I'm not the only one who can appreciate the magical center designs of tulips. They get overlooked way too often!


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