Thursday, July 14, 2016

Found While Wandering

I awoke early this morning and something on Facebook sent me to the news. I am so shocked and saddened to read of this latest attack in France. Should I write about lovely things when so many are hurting? Yes, I shall. For if we stop living our lives in the old ways, if we become creatures who scurry into isolation and suspicion, then those depraved terrorists have won. I will pray for France and for those who are hurting. I will be vigilant. But I will not hide away in fear.

On Tuesday morning we left our floating cocoon of luxury and took the Paris Metro up to the Gare du Nord. We had hours before our flight to London and so we put our luggage in storage at the train station. 

Paris is a huge city with plenty of pavement and tall buildings. But tucked away behind some of the massive doors that attract my eye are little gardens. A Parisian tour guide told us that if the doors are open, we should feel free to wander in. So we did. Several times. Peaceful green oases. Some formal, some intended as playgrounds. 

Bright flowers, usually just one kind. Red geraniums in one garden, pink hydrangeas elsewhere. Roses in yet another.

This garden is not behind doors, but tucked away at the end of a winding narrow street. It's really three garden rooms, each leading into the other. The first room has a plaque - this is the Anne Frank Garden, and there is a tree, grown tall now, that began as a shoot from a chestnut tree she could see from her hiding place. 

The next room contains the rose walkway and trellis seen above, with benches for contemplation, and a green lawn area where a yoga class was happening. 

Further in, a playground rang with ... not the sounds of children at play, but workmen with noisy machinery making improvements. 

Perhaps Anne Frank's example would be a good one to follow today. She maintained her curiosity about life and people. In the midst of fear, she found the ability to see beautiful things.


  1. Prayers for Nice
    Thank you for the beautiful post
    After reading the news, your photos feel the place to have some comfort with the tears.

  2. Horrific things happen every day and you are right to pause to acknowledge and move on. If we lose that ability then we have lost everything. "Whatsoever things are lovely..." comes to mind. Have a wonderful day enjoying and exploring!

  3. Lori, hoping your travel continues to bring you moments of joy amid the horrific news from the south of France. There are just no words to describe how we all feel yet again for the many lives destroyed. The world has become a wicked place and we feel so helpless in times such as this. I'm awaiting to hear from my family in France and praying
    they are safe in their little village and didn't go to Nice for Bastille Day!

    Meanwhile, do all you can to make lovely memories of your time in the UK - sending happy thoughts, we cannot let them stop us from seeing the world and going about our lives.

    My thoughts and love are with you.

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    That's a good tip to know, "If the doors are open go in" Glad you continue on and share the beauty that you are seeing and experiencing. Praying for those in critical condition in Nice.

  5. A stablizing post on such a day. I agree with Vee's comment.

  6. Amongst sadness there is still beauty and I'm drawn to the magnificent architecture of these gardens.

  7. So saddening, those affected are certainly in my prayers but I hope you continue your journey and enjoy the beauty. Take care.

  8. I'm so glad that you're continuing on with your posts, Lorrie, as We can't ever let evil and hate win. I'm certainly enjoying strolling along with you and Tim with your lovely photos and magical descriptions. I especially loved seeing the two of you holding hands together in a previous post. Love and blessings are sent to you.

  9. Yes, even in the midst of sadness, we need to keep looking for beauty, take courage and hang on to hope.

  10. You are so right in all that you said. Hope you are enjoying London.

  11. Yes, we can follow Ann Franks example for sure.


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