Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Monet's Garden

Early in the morning Monet's gardens at Giverny shimmer with light. A few photos here of the many, many taken. I have words, but will save them for another time. For now, enjoy this teensy taste of these marvelous gardens.

Today the sun shone warmly. Hats and sunglasses were a necessity. Flowers lifted their faces to the light.

Claude Monet's lily pond, immortalized in so many of his paintings, reflected perfectly. It was that play of light and shadow that so entranced Monet. He once said that the light changed every 7 minutes.

The lily flowers open when the air and the water are the same temperature. Here they are just beginning to open.

Monet's favourite flowers are in shades of pink, purple and blue, but here and there bright splashes of yellow and orange draw the eye.

The gardens are a mad tangle of pathways and mixed beds. It's not manicured and perfect, but it's oh, so very attractive. Arches of roses frame small alleys, and Monet's pink house with the green shutters is a perfect complement.

Hello, pretty poppies.

One last photo. Would you have the daring to paint your house this colour?


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    If I had a cottage I could be tempted to paint it with similar contrasts. Beautiful photos...

  2. No, they do look lovely, though. I would describe them as "French" colors and now I realize how silly this is. We live in an area where French descendants from Quebec live and they adore colors and lots of it. Their homes are painted in such colors.

  3. I adore that garden...and the paintings that they inspired...a little piece of heaven on earth.
    The shutters look lovely but in our rainy climate I am not sure that they would look as appropriate...

  4. Isn't it lovely. Beautiful at any time of year. Thanks for taking us there in Summer.

  5. How thrilling for you to be there. I remember a painting of his garden at the Chicago Art Museum. Lovely photos, and I do like the house colors!

  6. Laughing at your last question! I would, but Jim wouldn't. Recently I wanted to reupholster a love seat, but it was a color he wouldn't be able to live with, so I did something he would like. Now the chairs are a different story, ha!
    How I love Monet's garden and home. It is just beautiful. How special to be walking there this week. Happy travels! Savor and enjoy every single moment.

  7. Oh Lorrie, Monet's gardens are beautiful and your photography skills are amazing! Enjoy your fabulous trip.

  8. Knew you'd love it - so glad you went in the early morning and had sunshine. Your photos are bringing it all back of course.
    Hope you went through the interior of the house too - that yellow kitchen, wow!

    Mary -

  9. Ahhhh! Monet's garden looks like a dream to me! Loved each and every photo!

  10. Such a beautiful garden and so many pictures inspired by its beauty. Such a beautiful garden to visit and yes I do love the colour of the shutters.

  11. I too am interested and note the way different countries paint their houses which normally tend to compliment their surroundings. Here in the Cotswolds we paint our properties shades of grey, putty colours and subtle offbeat blues, colours that suit our golden stone.
    I was thrilled when I visited Monet's garden, and this was a lovely reminder.

  12. We made many visits to Giverny and loved every season in the garden. Do they still put the easel somewhere in the garden, so it looks as though the artist might still be around?

  13. Anonymous4:11 AM

    A gardener's dream come true. Beautiful. :-)

  14. The delightful children's book Linnea in Monet's Garden inspired me to imagine the wonders of Giverny and Monet's Garden...and look at you! You're there!! I am sure that it was magical! (If your grands don't have this book, it might be a good souvenir.)

    I'd never paint my own home those colors, but it is perfect for Monet's!

  15. I don't think I would have the courage to paint my house in those colors, but it blends beautifully with Monet's gardens. Your photos are spectacular. What a gorgeous place to visit. I'm so glad you took us along with you.

  16. I love the close-ups of the flowers. Just gorgeous!! I'd be happy going to this garden any day of the week.

  17. I knew you'd love Giverny, the gardens, the house, the colours! I think it's time I went back for another visit.
    Thinking of you as you progress down to the landing beaches,

  18. How breathtakingly beautiful it is there!

  19. You are painting a lovely picture for us! Thank-you.

  20. So lovely to see your photos of Monets garden, my garden has pink poppies just like those at the moment, unfortunately they don't last very long, Everyday I'm taking photos of them, they are so lovely.
    Enjoy your visit to France.

  21. Such a gorgeous place, I would love to see it in person.

  22. Such a lovely place! The water lilies and roses are so beautiful. So nice to see the 'real' gardens and the inspiration for such beautiful art. xx Karen

  23. Breathtaking! Each and every photo! And here in Florida we have lots of pastel houses. Mine is a pale lavender! You sure took amazing photos my friend. Hugs, Diane

  24. The pink poppies are just gorgeous. And the cottage shutters, quaint and cute. And see Monet's garden life, real, blooming: priceless.

  25. Such a wonderful trip,Lorrie. I have just caught up on your posts. It's lovely to be an arm chair traveller through your sharing!

  26. Sometimes words are 'gilding the lily.' These photos are incredibly beautiful and a true balm to the soul.

  27. It would have to be in the right setting!

  28. I love the colors of the house, Lorrie, but it wouldn't look right in the area where we live. However, we saw lots of those colors used in Charleston, and particularly in the French Quarter, where we stayed. Vee's right -- it does look very French.

    I so enjoyed this post; that garden is just magnificent. I'm putting this on my list of places to visit now. Thanks so much for sharing, Lorrie!! Have a great week. :)


    Denise at Forest Manor


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