Monday, July 25, 2016

Not a Fashion Blog, but a Fashion Post

Clothes. We all wear them. I like wearing clothes that suit me, that I feel comfortable in, and that are reasonably fashionable. People seem to dress in similar ways throughout the Western world, with a few differences.

Here's a little bit of what I observed being worn in Paris and London: 

Skirts - short (not just on younger women), mid-knee, and maxi (but never trailing on the ground). Lots of prints, usually small geometrics and florals. In Paris the prints were in softer shades, like the skirt above, than in London, where black backgrounds were seen more.

Dresses, again in a variety of lengths and prints. Black was not uncommon. Lots and lots of jean jackets, on big girls and small ones.  

The weather was warm, but not hot, and almost everyone in Paris wore sandals, either flat or wedged. Scarves almost always. Above is one of our tour guides. Lace seems to be a continuing trend - yokes on knit tops, or more rarely, a textured top.

Well-fitted and well-balanced outfits - fitted pants and top with a more flowing third layer that was never over-sized. 

Then there was tourist style - earbuds and listening devices, hats and sunglasses. 

Walking into our home very very early on Sunday morning (12:30 am) was lovely. We slept well, spent yesterday quietly at home, and today Tim is back to work. The garden needs attention and I have a list of projects I'd like to accomplish. All in good time. 

There will be more posts about our trip - so many places I have not yet shown, but they will come slowly. 


  1. Thank you for the lovely fashion post, Lorrie! Great photos!

  2. Hi Lorrie, glad to know you arrived home safely - I know what a good feeling it is after gallivanting about the world! No place like home, right?

    Thanks for the fashion photos - I always enjoy seeing what they are wearing, especially in Europe. You and Tim were dressed perfectly - and sensibly with the addition of hats.

    Take time to relax. . . . . . . .and then please share more of your trip when time permits.
    Hugs - Mary

  3. Fun to see fashion from other parts of the western world--seems similar to here. I noted your comment about the long skirts not dragging on the ground. I see a lot here that do and that's one I can't figure out.

  4. Very smart tourists!
    I love Paris fashion, the young make such lovely statements with their clothes, chic and cleverly co ordinated, looking as though no effort has been made.
    So glad you had a good holiday and are back safely. I did laugh at your dead cow story!

  5. How fun to have this peek into European fashion. Love the sensible, yet stylish shoe choices. Also love the prints, lace and scarves. It will be awhile before we will be wearing any kind of scarves here. Just the thought of something around my neck makes me melt :).
    You and Tim look comfortable and prepared for whatever the day might hold.
    Welcome home!

  6. I'm happy to have a peek at what's fashionable in Europe and I'd be in tourist clothing as well. :-)
    Welcome back!

  7. You and Tim look fashionable to me!
    I did love seeing what is popular there in Europe.
    Looking forward to more photos and post, Lorrie.

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Welcome home!
    You two looks like seasoned travelers.
    Thanks for sharing the street clothes in France and London.

  9. Thanks for the fashion update on the street. I love it.

  10. Oh, I like the hats and sunglasses! And it's fun to see what people wear. I wish I was more comfortable wearing dresses. I should go try some on one day and see if I can find one that suits me. Glad you are home safe and sound. Hugs, Diane

  11. Fun post!! Thanks for the peek at European fashion! (You two look stylish too!)

  12. Welcome home! Loved this post with a glimpse of European style.

  13. Isn't it one of the nicest things about travel - the possibility of really seeing how others live, dress, eat etc? I enjoyed that!

  14. An interesting glimpse! Tres chic!
    Must be a good feeling to be home :)

  15. Glad to know you're safely back home after your wonderful trip to Europe.
    People watching and observing fashion trends and other influences are some my favourite things to do. I know that I've taken to wearing scarves more often, even in summer, since we came to live in France.

  16. I'm happy to know you've arrived home safely! I know that wonderful feeling of returning to my own bed..."there's no place like home"!

    I liked seeing the different fashions from elsewhere. Yesterday, in 95ยบ heat, I saw a woman get out of her car to pump gas & she had on shorts, a sleeveless top on with a HUGE scarf around her neck. She looked ridiculous!! All I could think of was how uncomfortable she looked!

  17. What fun to see the fashions that you've shared, Lorrie. I checked your post on getting to Wales and the banter with the firemen! Loved the colorfully painted home fronts and the hanging baskets. Welcome back to you and Tim! It's always nice to get to Home Sweet Home, isn't it?

  18. I like all the clothes you showed. Very classic.

    Thanks for showing us!

  19. Very interesting - great photos and insights. Welcome back - I see you brought lovely sunshine with you. And now I must catch up on blog reading, as I'm so far behind after a week of vacation. Our vacation was in British Columbia and here at home - but was great fun too.

  20. We plan for months that great vacation and then we are back home with dirty laundry, weeds, and jet lag,but wonderful memories, good stories, and great photos to share. And so very glad that we went, but glad to be home, too. Thank you for sharing your vqcation with us; we enjoyed it, too.

  21. I'm going to have to catch up with you and read about your trip. How wonderful!! I do love to wear dresses and skirts almost exclusively in the warmer weather, so comfortable. Not sure about a scarf (too hot), though it looks very chic. Nice picture of you and your husband!

  22. Oh, what lovely outfits! I so enjoy wearing feminine and flowy dresses and a jean jacket is a staple in my closet. In fact I have blue jean jacket, a white one, and a denim vest :)

    Thank you for the beautiful post, my friend. And speaking of look so pretty. Hugs!

  23. I love the way French women dress, an understated elegance with lots and lots of confidence. A great post xx


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