Friday, December 29, 2023
A Week of Memories
Friday, December 22, 2023
The Eve of the Eve of Christmas Eve
Friday evening. No snow at all this year, rather, it's been unseasonably warm. Some rain, and I'm glad for the fires that keep us comfortable indoors.
My teaching gig ended today around noon, and I handed over my keys, skipped out of school, and headed out to finish the last little bit of shopping. All done now, other than a quick grocery run early tomorrow morning.
I spent a few hours this afternoon wrapping gifts. They are stacked on the dining room table and tomorrow I'll pretty them up with tags and embellishments. That's the fun part.
There comes a point each year when the lists are set aside and what's still undone is left undone. I sent off Christmas cards to a certain point in my address book, but ran out of cards, purchased more, but never got back to writing them. I'll send notes in the new year. It's time to enjoy. Preparations are mostly finished - there will be a final tidying up of the house and some last minute cooking. Then, Christmas Eve, full of quietness before the joyous hullabaloo of gathering on Christmas Day.
And so, I wish you all a most merry and festive Christmas.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
It Comes and Goes
This week I made Almond Crescents, a recipe from my mom. Not too sweet, but nutty and buttery - a lovely treat. Last night I packaged up cookies and treats and put them into small tins to share with friends. What fun that was!
Friday, December 08, 2023
Christmas Inside and Outside
The new fireplace surround and mantel |
Inside, a little bit of decorating is happening. We are having some work done on the house this next week and I don't want to put up a tree and other decorations only to have them coated with dust or have to remove them. By Wednesday we will be able to put the house back together.
The old fireplace surround and mantel, last year at Christmas |
Tim finished the fireplace update, diminishing the profile a little and putting in a more neutral porcelain tile in place of the black marble. Just now, as I sit in my chair, a fire glows and the lights shine in the gathering darkness. Red velvet cushions on the sofa add colour and coziness.
It's a busy time of year - students are becoming restless, eager for the Christmas break - and teachers are not immune, either. School goes late this year, right to the 22nd.
Here at home the baking has begun, with rugelach, shortbread, rum balls, and marshmallow roll in the freezer. Every day I read a little - this week I finished SJ Bennett's All the Queen's Men, a cozy mystery that takes place at the royal estate in Sandringham at Christmas. A great way to relax in the evening.
And with you? How are things?
Friday, December 01, 2023
Welcome December
Outside, I've filled the pots with greenery and holly sprigs from our garden. A wreath base is made and I'll hang that this weekend after adding some holly and rose hips. Baking is beginning - shortbread and rugelach to start with.
I love this month of the year and want to savour the moments. Advent begins on Sunday, a time of waiting. Little by little the month opens towards Christmas, the celebration of Christ's birth. Longing, anticipation, quietness, joy, and busyness mingle in this month. I leave you with a quote by Diane Ackerman "December offers a banquet for the senses, and many chances to lose oneself in the plain deliciousness of life - all the sights and smells of the season, from wood fires to baking."
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Sunday Thoughts: Walking, Aging, Soup-making
On another note, I made Hungarian Mushroom Soup from the Modern Proper again this afternoon. How good it is, hearty and warming on a cool day. Making soup is one of my favourite things to cook - the activity of chopping, sauteeing, and stirring - followed by gentle simmering while the remainder of a meal is prepared. And then the satisfaction of slowly spooning mouthfuls of savory goodness.
One last week in November. I hope my American friends had a good Thanksgiving. Wishing you all a lovely week.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Of Little Things that Make Me Happy
On a recent hike I noticed all the mushrooms in the woods. Apparently it's been a great year for edible mushrooms, but I am not mushroom wise and wouldn't dream of eating any that I see. But I do admire their structure and colours. Doesn't that large one in the middle look like a skirt blown up by the wind, exposing ruffles and lace? So pretty.
Little things that add a bit of loveliness to my days. What little (or big) things are you finding makes you happy these days?
Monday, November 13, 2023
A Walk in the Woods
Some days, a walk in the woods is just what is needed. The past couple of weeks have been busy for me as I'm teaching part time for a former colleague on medical leave. Two classes of Foods four days per week. I have a feeling that this will be my last short-term contract - I'm missing being at home, particularly now with Christmas approaching. Now, after Remembrance Day (November 11), preparations begin with joy. There will be some sewing, plenty of baking, and decorating, but I'm taking things slowly, focusing on enjoying doing a little bit at a time.
Wednesday, November 08, 2023
Our First Day in Newfoundland - Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve
We camped at the Reserve and all night long the mournful foghorn sounded through the mist. After a very short while we didn't hear it and slept most soundly, waking in the morning to more mist and drizzle.
There are a number of songs written about the region including Let Me Fish Off Cape St. Mary's which is available on Youtube.
Are you a birdwatcher?
Sunday, November 05, 2023
Simple and Ordinary Days
Is this the last rose in the garden? Perhaps, although I noticed a few other buds forming elsewhere. Boscobel is a prolific bearer of lovely blooms. I debating cutting the rose, but fear that she will merely droop if I bring her indoors. Instead, I'll admire her as I walk by.
Simple and ordinary days are often the best.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
The Last Day of October
Yesterday was my birthday. A fairly quiet day, with a promise of celebrations in a couple of weeks together with a couple of other family members. Lots of loving messages and greetings came my way. Now it's Halloween. Fewer trick or treaters than last year. In the distance I hear the crackle and pop of fireworks.
And so ends October. Tomorrow is November, a quiet month, although the calendar is beginning to fill up with a few fun things. Soon it will be time to think of Christmas preparations, but for tonight I'm admiring the flickering candle on the table and the low flame in the fireplace.
Friday, October 27, 2023
Friday Favourites
Fuschia blooming against the dancing fountain at Butchart Gardens |
Beautiful Little Things
The snow has melted and snowdrops are once again visible. They fared well under their white blanket for a couple of weeks. I'm findin...
Making a table runner is a quick and easy way to add colour or seasonal touches to your dining room, breakfast nook, or even a library table...
The stars are always above us, swirling in the vast reaches of space, hidden by clouds or, more frequently, by light, that of the sun or o...
February has never been a favourite month. Growing up in more northerly climes, it seemed that winter had made herself too comfortable and...