Thursday, January 22, 2009

Friendly Friday

I wish the sky would rain down roses, as they rain from off the shaken bush...
They would fall as light as feathers, smelling sweet;
and it would be like sleeping and yet waking, all at once.
George Eliot

Lynne Laura at A Romantic Nest is hosting Friendly Friday - a time to share quotations and friendly thoughts. While I don't really wish it would rain roses, it's fun to imagine what it would be like. And I do love roses - these grew in my garden last summer. Just a few more months of winter and we'll be feeling those velvety petals and drawing the fragrance in deep breaths.

And I was recently tagged by Kyllimarjaana who writes her blog from Finland. She has some gorgeous photos and is a very talented lady. I'm supposed to tell you 6 things about myself, and follow the rules below.

Here are six things about me...

1. I love dark chocolate - a day without chocolate just doesn't happen. I just take one or two squares (Lindt 70% is my favourite) and eat them slowly, sometimes with a cup of tea.

2. Making things is something I have to do - I think it's in my DNA. I have more ideas than time but everyday I stitch or knit or sew or glue or arrange something.

3. I am blessed with a wonderful family - a husband who is the BEST and always encourages me, three great children, now adults (two married), two children-in-law whom I love dearly, and an extended family of parents, sisters, brothers (including by marriage but there's really no difference to me), nieces and nephews.

4. Confession time - I have tons of unfinished projects. But...I think I'm making progress on them. This past year I've really tried to complete projects and the pile is quickly diminishing. It used to really bother me, but then I read a book by Barbara Sher and discovered that I AM A SCANNER! This has helped me understand myself and my constant need to be trying new things. I'm not such a scatterbrain after all!

5. I'm a student...of a certain age! I'm studying for my BA in French. I'm not quite half done. I love studying (usually.)

6. God's love and presence in my life gives me hope and purpose.

Here are the rules:

1) Link to the person who tagged you ( which I did )

2)mention the rules ( which I 'm doing )

3)Tell 6 things about myself ( see above )

4)Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them

5)Go to each persons blog and leave them a comment
letting them know they've been tagged

I'm not going to tag anyone in particular, but if you do this tag, please link back here, leave a comment and I'll come right over for a visit!

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  1. This is a great idea. I love the scatterbrain comment and will look at that book. :) Love your blog!

  2. Are you sure you're not posting about me? :)

  3. Your roses are just amazing! And you DO have the nicest toile items to casually sit in your photos for ambience!

  4. Oh, roses... flowers... I am so looking forward to spring. I start to feel the "call of the garden" every now and then and had to buy flowers the other day.
    We have a computer from my husband´'s school for the week end, he will take it back tomorrow so I don't know when I can come back...

  5. Such pretty roses and yes a reminder of Summer. Enjoyed your meme Lorrie and can identify with 1, 3 and 4.

    The Hyacynths are pretty. Sadly I cannot have these indoors (although I have lots outside) as I react badly to the perume.

    The word verification says raven - interesting.

  6. Enjoyed your meme Lorrie... I can relate to a couple!
    Your roses are gorgeous. I sue to ghrow beauties when I lived on Vancouver Island, Actually I picked some for the dinnertable on Christmas day one year!!!!
    Not the case here!! I would laugh but I'm not in the mood when I see the snow that keeps falling!!!!!

  7. Enjoyed your meme Lorrie... I can relate to a couple!
    Your roses are gorgeous. I sue to ghrow beauties when I lived on Vancouver Island, Actually I picked some for the dinnertable on Christmas day one year!!!!
    Not the case here!! I would laugh but I'm not in the mood when I see the snow that keeps falling!!!!!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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