Monday, July 20, 2009

One more post about Versailles

During the spring Joy of Cupids Charm contacted me about translating an old document listing some of Marie Antoinette's jewelry from French into English. I enjoyed the work - it was more pleasure than anything else. In return, she sent me the beautifully worked necklace I'm wearing, with the Chateau de Versailles in the background.

Here's a close up of the necklace - each charm features a different portrait of Marie Antoinette. Today, Joy has posted some of my photos on HER blog - go take a look, and check out her beautiful work.


  1. Love the necklace--and all the travel pics.

  2. Your necklace is stunning, I am so impressed.

  3. Love the necklace & how nice of you to translate for Joy. I know she was pea green with envy. And I am sure you had a wonderful trip. Lucky Girl! I hope to go next year to visit friends that live in the south of France.

  4. Hello Lorrie,

    Just came from Joy's blog. You look fabulous wearing that necklace and love the photo in Versailles!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  5. What a treat~I too adored Versailles.

  6. Lorrie, I have really enjoyed going back and reading your posts about your trip. You took some beautiful photos, and as always I so enjoyed reading about the history in those places. It looks like it was such a blessed time with your mom and sister. I am trying to make the rounds of all my favorite blogs... after a long break, I am returning to my blog Cottage. Three art shows and one high school graduation behind me, I hope to have the time I'd like, now, to catch up.



Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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