Friday, October 09, 2009

Everyday is Beautiful

I've been going for long walks every afternoon before I make dinner. After studying all day, I need a break and since the weather is so gorgeous, outside is where I want to be. The fall colours are beginning. We don't have the stunning colours of the eastern part of the continent, but there is enough to satisfy me.

Fall touches in my home bring some of that crisp ambiance indoors. I like to keep things simple. The above arrangement is in the dining room, where this weekend we'll be having turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings.

When I'm in the living room, reading, sewing, or knitting, or even just watching television in the evening, I like to light a candle. This brass bowl is from Ecuador and I bring it out in the fall so I can enjoy its rich warmth.

Today I'm cleaning house and getting ready for our Thanksgiving dinner. We're having it on Saturday night so as not to conflict with in-law dinners. Really, it doesn't matter when we celebrate - it's being together that counts.
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  1. Have a very blessed holiday! Your home looks lovely and warm and cozy. Enjoy the muted fall colors as they are very beautiful indeed.

  2. Karen S.10:08 AM

    I agree that the colors are sumptuous, and long walks to soak fall in are so restorative. Que tengan un dia lleno de benediciones este fin de semana!

  3. Yes, the fall colors here in the East are spectacular, but at least you have green trees in the winter. I'll be visiting Victoria end of October. Looking forward to seeing friends and family.
    Have a wonderful thanks giving!

  4. Hi Lorrie, I am enjoying reading your blog and looking at your photos. It's a lovely way to get to know someone : ) (I like you)
    Have a wonderful weekend with those you love. ~ Violet

  5. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Lorrie, you are so very creative. I enjoy watching what you are adding to your website. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your wonderful family.
    ~your mom~

  6. LOVE the outdoor foilage.. soooo pretty!

  7. Hi Lori,

    Beautiful pictures of your outdoors and glad to see those beautiful handwarmers you made. Going to check out Cathe's site with the monograms. She made lovely ones for you.

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  8. Hi Lorrie...

    I love your fall decor. I guess I am going to be the dumb one to inquire...You Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October? I didn't realize that!! Just to reinforce my comment on my blog yesterday--One is NEVER too old to learn new things...

    Now, I am hungry for turkey and dressing but have to wait several more weeks!!

    Have a blessed week!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! Your decorations look elegant Lorrie!


  11. Such beautiful displays. Filled with inspiration.


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