Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's Hot Chocolate Season Again!

Although this photo was taking with sunshine streaming through the window, there has been little of it around here lately. And on a dark, rainy morning what's better than a mug of hot chocolate? I'll drink it any time of day. But I really dislike the packaged mixes - they taste like chemicals and are waaay too sweet for me. Many of the homemade mixes include non-dairy creamer, which to me is a fake food - a conglomeration of chemicals and who knows what all?

I do like hot chocolate made from milk warmed in a pan over the stove, but having a mix on hand is faster. Years ago a friend gave me this recipe and it's been one of my staples ever since. I made a batch this week, and have a mug on hand beside my computer when I visit my blog friends. Setting a pretty tray with cocoa for two makes it special for my husband and me.

Hot Chocolate Mix Recipe
4 cups powdered milk (I like to whirl it in the blender for a finer texture)
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (like what you use for baking)
1/3 cup granulated sugar1 1/4 cups icing sugar (powdered sugar for those of you in the US)
1/2 tsp salt

That's it. Mix it all up. I like to sift it to make sure it's completely smooth and combined. Put it into a pretty container and use about 2 1/2 heaping tablespoons per cup of boiling water. There's nothing like it for a cool autumn morning, or evening. I can drink it all day long!

And once again, visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for a weekly dose of table setting inspiration.
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  1. Yes I totally agree that I like homemade hot coco the best. I spot those cute little spoons and I like the one with the teapot. Bet you will be serving up lots of this brew when the Olympics start up your way. Thanks for sharing your pretty hot coco tray with me.

  2. Hi Lorrie! I am VERY busy these days packing everything before a big move to a new home, but this hot chocolate was just too tempting not to stop and take a little break! Your tray looks lovely, and I'd love to try this recipe! Thank you for sharing it! Happy Tablescape Thursday to you! ~tina

  3. Lorrie, thanks for this recipe,I'm going to make a batch after I've been to the grocery store. We drink a lot of hot chocolate, esp. in winter. Thanks again! Becky

  4. This is a good recipe, as I agree that others I've seen have the coffee creamer. I will try this. Thank you.


  5. Sounds yummy! It's cool and rainy here today, so hot chocolate really sounds good. I like to blend my ingredients, too, to make them silky smooth. I also set up a hot drinks tray on my counter from now until spring...marshmallows, drink mixes, cinnamon sticks, whatever else I think someone would like or that looks pretty! Thanks so much for the reminder!

  6. MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Sounds delicious.

    Cheers from Ontario!

  7. Oh my....all your little spoons are just precious! I want to pick each one up & examine it closely. What treaures!

    Thanks for the hot chocolate recipe. I feel the same way you do about the mix in packets...blegh!

    ♥ Rettabug

  8. Your photo is lovely. I would be very inspired to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate just by looking at it. I agree with you about the packaged mixes and powdered coffee creamer. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe and the tip on putting it in the blender. Sounds yummy.

  9. Oh MY!!! I thought that I was the only one who loved Hot Cocoa!!! (my husband did too... the first time I ordered it with him he was a bit embarrassed! He got over it when I ordered my second cup to go as he ordered his coffee to go and the young man behind the counter was pleased with my order!


  10. I am big on hot chocolate and my current favorite is chocolate mint! I love that collection of spoons--I enlarged :) Thanks for the mix recipe!

  11. I'm off to make the mix right now. Thank you! Love your cocoa-for-two tablescape!!

  12. Oh I love this. And your mix sounds wonderful. I had a cup myself today it is that time! Your photo is lovely and what a fun romantic idea. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Yum! This sounds wonderful. What a beautiful tray and presentation.

    Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  14. Wonderful Lorrie! I love hot chocolate (so do the kiddies)!Thanks for the recipe!

  15. I see you have a cup reserved so I may have some hot chocolate! Love the tray arrangement....thanks for sharing the recipe.

  16. Great recipe! Thank you for sharing!


  17. Love that recipe -- and I haven't made it in forever. Thanks for the reminder.


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