Monday, October 05, 2009

Finally Finished Handwarmers

I started knitting last fall/winter. I made a couple of scarves for family members, a pair of handwarmers for my daughter, and started another pair for my niece. Then spring came, the temperatures warmed up and summer followed. The knitting was put away and replaced with gardening. Last week I pulled out my knitting bag and discovered that just a few rows remained to finish this pair of handwarmers. So I sat down and finished them. Here's my niece modeling her cozy handwarmers. She's a music student at our university and says they will come in very handy - she can even wear them while playing her trumpet! So, although our autumn days are full of lingering warmth and sunshine, colder days will come, and she will be ready for them.
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  1. Those are nice! Bet they will be warm and comfy too. Have a great day.

  2. What a nice way to get ready for blustery weather.

    I've tried knitting on several occasions -- enjoy the romance of knitting -- but it doesn't ever get where it feels right. Crocheting works better for me.

    But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate and enjoy the beautiful work from other hands and other needles.

  3. These are great ! It reminds me that I wanted to make a pair of those for Elise out of an old pair of very long socks. I will have to finish that too.
    It's funny that you should mention knitting, yesterday I spent quite a while searching for crochet patterns, and I took out my box of yarns. I even considered posting about it, but the batteries of the camera were empty... I found some very interesting things, ear warmers, ponchos, scarves, etc... I find it very relaxing to do some rows in the evening.

  4. Hi Lorrie,
    Thanks for visiting Normandy and participating in my PIF giveaway.
    Please email me with your address and when I return from vacation I'll gather together some pretty things for you & have them on their way, toute suite.

  5. You have progressed quite well, haven't you!!!! These are wonderful. It's 90 degrees here today, btw.

  6. I love these! I wish I knew how to knit. Those would be so handy to have!


  7. OOh I love these! I have never knitted anything but a scarf and a belt ~ you are like a rock star!

  8. You made these? OK, I'm in awe. They lovely. They also look super complicated.

  9. They're beautiful! I know that my niece would love it if I could figure out how to whip her up a pair. Wouldn't they be great for members of a band who have to march outside in cold weather?

  10. Hello,

    These look awesome...we will need them soon here!
    Are you selling them?

    ~ Gabriela ~

  11. Those are so beautiful! I need something like that for reading in bed in the winter! Great for typing also on cold mornings....


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