Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Time to Celebrate

I think it's time for a giveaway. This seems to me like a great week to do it - I've just opened an Etsy shop and it's my birthday. And what's a birthday without presents? I love giving presents as well as getting them. There are two parts to this giveaway.

The first giveaway will be for those people who are already followers of my blog. It's one of my hand stitched journals. I have three of them here in my Etsy shop but I saved this one just for someone special. I'm amazed every time I look and see how many people have signed up to follow this blog. And I'm so grateful for comments and encouragement - this blogging community is just wonderful. But I don't really want people to sign up to be followers just to get in on the giveaway. So....

 I'm giving away one of my sweater pillows. This pillow is made from recycled wool sweaters - including the flowers. It has a stuffed cotton insert and is sweet and cozy. If you would like to enter this giveaway, please leave me a comment and make sure that I have some way of contacting you if you win. You don't have to have a blog to enter.

Want to increase your chances of winning? Follower or not, I'd be thrilled if you post about this giveaway on your own blog and will put in another entry for you.

I'll keep the poll open until Monday night, November 2.

In your comment, please tell me what you would use a blank journal for (they make great gifts for others, too) and what is your favourite hot drink.


  1. Happy Birthday! How sweet to celebrate by giving presents! The journal is beautiful and I love the quote on the front! The pillow is cute! I made one last year out of a red Christmas Sweater.


  2. Great idea to upcycle a sweater into a pillow!

    There is a battered women's shelter here locally that I am inspired to collect my unused journals for. I love blank books, but have too many to use.

    Good luck on your etsy-- I have yet to take a peek at your chop! (going there now!)

  3. OOo, I'm back from my peek!
    Beautiful coptic stitched journals! I love the quote about buds and twigs. Lovely graphics.

  4. Happy Birthday Lorrie!! I hope that you got your face into the sun today - it did peek out from behind the clouds for a minute or two. Tomorrow is my youngest sister's birthday, and the next is my best friend's birthday - you're in good company!
    I think I'd use the journal to write notes for my grandsons. I did that for my daughter years ago, and it is a treasure now that she is grown.

    My favorite hot drink? It has to be Hot Chocolate!

  5. Happy Birthday Lorrie...your giveaway is great. You have talented hands! I will be happy to spread the word via my blog!

    Have a great week!

  6. Happy Birthday!! Your journal as well as your pillow are very pretty! I'd snuggle up with the pillow and give the journal as a gift - prob to my daughter's teacher - a VERY special lady!

  7. Oh you know how I adore your journals. Luckily, I am a follower.

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Happy birthday dear lady. Came over from Jacque's site. I cannot sign up as follower due to some google problem, but do see some beautiful things I want to follow.

  9. Love your handmade journals. Wishing you a happy birthday. Sea Witch

  10. What a beautiful giveaway. I'd love either!

    I do have you on my sidebar and follow you regularly.

    I'd probably use a journal as beautiful as this one to keep special thoughts and quotes. My favourite hot drink? Coffee.

    I will post your giveaway on my site.

    My e-mail is in my profile.

    OH, and happy birthday! Many, many happy wishes for all that brings you joy and contentment.

  11. I already follow your blog. : ) Yours is one of those that I sit down with quiet time to enjoy and savor. I don't want to feel rushed....rather like having some girl-time.

    I try to write down something everyday that I am thankful for. I believe the thankful heart is a happy and healthy one. I'd use mine for that.

    I'm intrigued by the pillow too. I can't quite picture how to make one but I'd love to try. We like homemade pillows everywhere and sadly, ours are looking worn.

    Hope your birthday is divine. Thanks for your generosity.

  12. I did just happen to post about your giveaway on my blog. I do actually enjoy your blog....I didn't want you to think that I was just offering random flattery. : )

  13. How kind of you to have a giveaway for your birthday. Since I have just found your blog, I am not a follower, but I love the sweater pillow. Please enter my name. I'm off to look at your Etsy now. laurie

  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. The journal is beautiful. I love journaling. I haven't journaled as much as I would like since I started blogging. I seem to spend more time here than there. I have a journal that I have labeled and tagged for different things like good websites, recipes, quotes, great blogs, and art ideas.
    Have a great day!

  15. I would keep the journal within reach to put down all those random thoughts/notes that pop into my head...which if I didn't jot them down ASAP, I'd lose them forever! Currently, my favorite drink is Orange Fanta!

  16. Oops!!! You wanted a hot drink...that'd be Hot Chocolate! My bad!

  17. I would give the journal to my friend who recently had a baby, so she can document all those sweet moments that you can easily forget because they grow up so fast. My favorite hot drink is wassail. biff_erin@yahoodotcom

  18. Posted about your blog contest. Love it! biff_erin@yahoodotcom

  19. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I would love to have one of the twilight inspired pieces. I love them. biff_Erin@yahoodotcom

  20. Anonymous6:23 PM

    My daughter would love to start a journal and I want to get one for her for Christmas. Hot cocoa

  21. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Hot cocoa and christmas gifts biff_erin@yahoodotcom

  22. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I want to write something down that I am thankful for each day, weekly if I can't do otherwise. I love my kids and husband and don't say it enough. Hot wassail. biff_erin@yahoodotcom

  23. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I want to leave my history for my posterity. Wassail is the best, but hot cider is definitly good too. biff_erin@yahoodotcom

  24. Anonymous6:25 PM

    commented, biff_erin@yahoodotcom

  25. Anonymous6:26 PM

    commented and would love your twilight stuff. biff_erin@yahoodotcom

  26. Hi Lorrie,
    Happy happy birthday! Thank-you for having the giveaway, your handiwork looks just fabulous. I love that you are a recycler as well, it's always fun to think of a different way to use something instead of throwing it away. So my favorite hot drink is earl grey tea with milk and honey. And I'd use the journal for taking notes in church. I just finished filling my last one up!

  27. Thanks for this lovely giveaway. I'm a follower of your blog.
    I'd enjoy putting your pillow in my living room or bedroom. And I'd keep the journal for myself (as selfish as that sounds) and use it as my "quilting journal" for ideas and dreams of things I might make.
    Kathleen C.

  28. It's Kathleen C. again. I had meant to mention that my daughter's birthday is Oct. 28th also; we spent a wonderful afternoon making her Halloween costume for a party--and she is in her 30s!
    Kathleen C

  29. Hi - I've come here via pondside, partly because I like to make books, buy books, draw in books, write in books. If I acquire a book, I often need to keep it for a while to decide what I'm going to use it for. Am looking forward to coming back sometime soon.

  30. Happy birthday Lorrie ! Thanks for the giveaway, it is always a lovely idea. And the book is just beautiful ! In fact I would tend to think that it's way too beautiful for me, I don't really know what I would keep it for (maybe as a gift). But I sure know that there is a little girl who would ask 10 times a day if she could have it !
    Or I just had an idea : it would be my "Happy moments" book - I would record in it all the times I really felt great or I felt particularly happy.
    Anyway, good luck to all the contestants. It really is a beautiful gift.

  31. Oh, and my favourite hot drink would be either hot chocolate at 4 or a "tisane" (herbal tea ?) after lunch - fennel if I need to lighten my stomach, hibiscus and dog rose otherwise.

  32. Just love your blog and all your inspirational creations! Would love to know the title of the book you used to learn how to make journals so beautifully. :-) I have your blog on my "google reader" so I stay up with your posts that way and just love it. Thanks for your positive writing and the energy you share in your posts.

  33. a follower..I would probably use this Journal as a place to put blog notes..ideas for future posts....and prayer requests...or recipes from blog...etc...
    Happy Birthday..

  34. Happy Belated Birthday!! I'm enjoying browsing through your lovely blog and catching up on all the pretty things I've missed!

    Please enter me in your giveaway, your journals are so charming and would make a wonderful place to store my idea and quote collections! (I've been collecting ideas and quotes for years, and love to record them in a journal and reference back to them when I'm in need of inspiration or a creative nudge!) While reading or writing in them I would enjoy a nice cup of English Breakfast Tea or Italian Roast coffee (with lots of real cream ;). At the same time I would tuck your beautiful pillow under my elbow while sitting in one of my favorite cozy reading chairs!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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