Friday, October 23, 2009

Frugal Luxuries Giveaway

I was recently introduced to Tracey McBride's books by another blogger - Clarice at Storybook Woods. Tracey has a blog (or two) and she's hosting a giveaway of her books. So click on over and see what's there. Frugal living has been a lifestyle for us for many years, and it's been a great thing especially in these months since my husband lost his job. Although we don't have the same income we used to, our lifestyle has changed very little because of practicing frugality.

Frugal living does not mean life is without beauty. Living a beautiful, rich, fulfilling life is part of living frugally. It's all about attitude. Living frugally is great for the planet and great for the bank account. And it helps me to focus on what's really important in my life - the love of family and friends, my faith, the beauty of creation, a sense of purpose throughout the day. These are the things that make my world go round. How about you?


  1. Good for you, Lorrie. You're an inspiration. I didn't know about Tracey McBride's books. Will have a look. Many thanks.

  2. Hi Lorrie!

    I just found your comment and wanted to pop over to say "hello"! Imagine my happy surprise when I was greated by your random act of blog kindness!! Thank you so much for the mention and the nice words.

    I heartily agree, being frugal does NOT mean living without beauty. In fact, it's my humble opinion that frugality has the unique ability to enhance creativity and the appreciation of beauty. My philosophy of life has always been to focus on what I have (as opposed to what I haven't :) because what we focus on grows!!

    Again, thank you so much for the kindnesses.

  3. Thank you for that link, Lorrie. Frugality is a choice - it's not about having or not having, but about living in the moment, taking pleasure in what one does and deliberately choosing a way that requires thinking ahead.

  4. Good luck in the drawing. I'm heading over now to enter.


  5. You've given me something to think about, Lorrie. Thank you.

  6. So well said Lorrie. You make such lovely things with an artistic flair which gives a whole new meaning to frugality.

    An attitude of heart more than anything else.

  7. Good morning Lorrie,

    I totally agree with you. I have learned that little is much, when God is in charge. (AND, GOD is in charge)! My husband and I have experienced huge financial obstacles but, like you, we have learned that by being "frugal" we have not seen much of a change in our lifestyle either.

    I will go over to Tracey's blog and read some of her posts and enter the giveaway.

    Have a great Sunday.

  8. This sounds like a great book to read.

    I absolutely adore your blank books. I hope you "sold out"!

  9. Frugal doesn't mean you have to a cheapskate or stingy either. Frugal = smart.

  10. I have a copy of this book; it's quite lovely and has some wonderful ideas. It's one of the books I've set aside to use next year, trying to focus my life on simple and frugal pleasures. My other books are Sarah Ban Breathnach’s Simple Abundance series.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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