Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Perfect Art Form

I think I've found my perfect art form. Making blank books! I love to read and write and I collect words and quotations like dogs collect fleas. I also like to stitch and glue and make collages and assemblages. Making books combines all of these activities - AND on top of all that, they are useful!

A linen-covered blank book with a felt bird and French ribbon.

I love this quotation. I have a stack of journals that go back years which I've filled with the breathings (and cryings and joys and thankfulness of my heart.)

I've made these for the craft fair at Willis Point on Saturday. If you're in the Victoria area, be sure to stop by and introduce yourself.

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  1. I have made books before, out of pretty papers only. Those were difficult enough!
    Your work is beautifully done!!!
    Look at the precision!!!


  2. Hi Lorrie,
    These books are gorgeous, I'm sure they will sell like hot cakes.

  3. Hi Lorrie,

    I think your book are just beautiful,
    and hope they sell like hot cakes.

    Me I don`t mind decorating pre made books. I just don`t see me sewing unmade ones together.


  4. Well I may just have to come by and have a look!! I'll google the fair.

  5. Comme ils sont BEAUX !!! Ils donnent envie de prendre une belle plume et d'écrire de sa plus belle écriture.
    Félicitations, et amuse-toi bien à l'exposition artisanale !

  6. Hi Lorrie,

    They are filled with love and just beautiful. I know you will do well with them.


  7. Lorrie, I have to tell you how much I love your blog and your creative spirit! These books are so very charming. I'm off now, to look after Mike (my husband's mom) as she's not feeling well. But I can't wait to get back so I can really take the time to browse through all your wonderful posts.

  8. Hi Lorrie! Your books are BEAUTIFUL! I think you have found your calling! ~ xo Joy

  9. Hello Lorrie,

    Love these journals! Are they for sale?

    ~ Gabriela ~

  10. Your books are beautifully made; I especially like the simplicity of the cover designs. I subscribed to your feed today and then entered your wonderful giveaway.
    Good luck, and thanks very much.
    Kathleen C.


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