Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I'm off to go hiking with my husband this morning, but wanted to do a quick post wishing some very special women in my life a Happy Mother's Day. My mom, in the picture above with me and my sister (edited to add:  I was halfway up the mountain on our hike when this grammatical error came to mind - I should have said, "in the picture above with my sister and me") on our trip to Europe last summer. My sister is going through a very hard time as a mom - her second son is battling cancer. What a heartache for a mother.

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law, both wonderful women, and wonderful mothers. I am blessed to have these women in my life.
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  1. Happy Mother's Day! Look forward to connecting. xo

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you Lorrie to you and all the incredibly special woman that are a part of your life!!


  3. Happy Mother's Day to you, Lorrie...and to your mom and sister as well. My heart goes out to your she deals with her son's illness.

  4. I hope you had a great hike, Lorrie, and a happy mothers' day. I feel for your sister - what a hard time for her and for all of your family.

  5. What lovely strong women you are surrounded with. I am so sorry about your nephew. I will keep them all in my prayers.

  6. LOL I wake up at night and think of grammatical errors on my blog! Glad I'm not alone!


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