Wednesday, May 05, 2010

It's a Small, Small World

There are many wonderful things to see in Paris - Notre Dame Cathedral, the Eiffel Tower, the bridges, etc. When I was there last June, I wanted to take some photos of the ordinary things that said "France" to me. This street sign was one of them. 

How surprising that today, while reading a "new-to-me" blogger, Penny from The Comforts of Home, I saw the same street. The signs are different - this one has more information, but don't you think this is another of those amazing blogging coincidences?

Last week I received an email from a reader of Barbara's Ramblings from an English Garden. She is a long-time friend of Barbara's and does not have a blog. But she found me through Barbara's blog, read a bit and discovered that I had a deer problem. She graciously offered a suggestion to the problem as she lives in North Carolina and has her own deer. Then she mentioned that she was an artist and had taken classes with an artist from Victoria, Brian Simons. Perhaps I knew of him?

Well, sort of, yes. Before Brian began painting full time, he worked with my husband in a senior's care home. Now, isn't it a small, small world after all?


  1. What a lovely series of connections! My blogging friend Della's grandfather (grandgather!!) was a near-contemporary of my father's at the US Naval Academy - they both taught there. I think that's the most intriguing coincidence I've encountered yet through blogging.

  2. This makes me smile! There are so many neat connections out there. It really is a small world!

  3. It truly is. I think in some way God shines His sense of humor in random connections.

  4. The world gets smaller and smaller! I remember our cup of coffee together, as we made some tentative connections - and I'm sure there could have been more.

  5. lovely post. Wish I'd taken pics with that concept in Buenos Aires. The local (& french style ) architecural, art and transport details are etched in my memory - awesome!

  6. It really is a small world. I leran that more every year. =)

  7. Good Morning Lorrie,

    Yes, it is a small world. So many things happen that make me stop and say, Hey...what's going on here?? I have a friend that we think so much alike and like so many of the same things, know so many of the same people it is like we are really is amazing!

    I hope all is still going well with you and your move. Pretty soon everything will be "old hat". I am so excited about the engagement news!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Hi!
    How fun we choose the same street to take a picture of the sign! Didn't you just love Paris? Did you go to the flea markets?

    I am adding you to my google reader so I know when yoo post....I will see you soon.

  9. It really is a small world as I see that you are making connections of another sort altogether today. I love connections. Thanks for the welcome back! Yes, and I do believe that I've read something somewhere about what you've had to say about E. Goudge. All of these comments had a cumulative effect on me and I've been trying for over a year to find her work without resorting to an interlibrary loan.


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...