Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Everyday Luxury

"Luxury is not a pleasure, but pleasure is a luxury."

(Le luxe n'est pas un plaisir mais le plaisir est un luxe)

The above statement (in French) was on a billboard in France which someone had photographed for their blog. And I've been thinking about it ever since.

Finding pleasure and joy in the everyday is an attitude to cultivate. Is joy a luxury to you? Or something to take for granted, as a right? The more I think about it, the more I realize that discovering pleasure in life is a luxury that requires nothing more than an open heart. 

I find pleasure in the color of dry grasses against a blue sea, of white specks that are gulls by the dozens on the narrow spit of land, of a blue sky on a cold day. 

In what are you finding joy today? 


  1. Yes pleasure is an attitude, but like playing a violin, requires a dedicated practice for its proficiency too :-)

  2. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Fantastic photo Lorrie - we live on a beautiful Island, don't we? It's too early for me to be finding any joy... plus I'm sick.... but I'm glad you found it!

  3. Today I have been finding joy in blue skies, sunshine, autumn leaves and my 11 year old cocker spaniel Mr Ben.
    It's a bright crisp day which really lifts my spirits.
    For me, life is all about finding the joy in simple, every day things.
    Great shot and a good thought provoking post.

  4. Oh my. I'm lost on this one. I guess it all depends on how one describes "luxury." I describe many things that way. Pleasure is subjective so... Okay, I'll be thinking about this for some time myself.

  5. I totally agree.
    And I'm finding your banner very pleasurable today. :)

  6. I couldn't agree more. I always think the happiest people find pleasure in the smallest of things.

    I try to look for loveliness in all circumstances. Um, yes, I did say 'try'!! I on't always manage it!


  7. Today I am taking the time to put up a little Christmas tree and a few decorations. I know the sight of them will bring me pleasure in the weeks after my surgery. The wreath is on the door and the nativities are set up . . . just a few pretties that make me smile.

  8. Totally agree and this is a great photograph.

  9. I couldn't more agree!


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