Tuesday, November 08, 2011

On My Worktable

Most of the things I'm working on are top-secret and can't be shown until after Christmas. But yesterday I started pulling apart old books to make some new blank journals. I left some of the covers as is, and others I covered with old nautical charts.

Here are the guts of the books. I have seen, in magazines and on line, bookshelves stacked with coverless books as a design element. I think it's their old look, combined with the creamy whites, that provide the appeal. I find the look contrived and pretentious. I suppose I could use these books in that way, but instead I'll use the pages for other projects. I like my books covered, not naked.

Here's a photo of some handstitched journals I made a couple of years ago. I sold them at a craft fair and in my Etsy shop. I've always wanted a little shop of handmade goods. But the timing wasn't right and I told myself, "if you still want a shop when you are finished your studies, that will be the time." Maybe so. I'm working on it, pushing through a lack of confidence and fears that I won't have a modicum of success.

Today involves a little cutting and folding, marking stitching lines, and some sewing on other projects. What's on your worktable today?


  1. I actually have some books that have achieved this ancient look on their own. I still have trouble displaying them that way. The only thing I've been able to do so far is to remove book jackets. Book jackets are like plastic covered furniture for me. Ha! Guess we're two opinionated gals today, Lorrie!

  2. Shhhh...top secret work going on! Very cute. Love your journals. Excited by your de-jacketed books.....
    I've always wanted a little shop too!

  3. I love coptic stitched journals! Wish I could do them myself (looks mysteriously difficult). Waiting until your studies are done is a good idea-- having a shop can be very time consuming if you are creating your own inventory. Otherwise, I think you could sell anything you put your mind to!

  4. love the thought of top-secret projects. Hoping I can get some in this year during my recuperation from surgery . . . we shall see. Have fun with your mysterious crafting.

  5. oh dear, blogland is full of brilliant craftspeople. I hardly dare show my face here, being the idiot member of the group.

    I lack the imagination and the application and now it's too late to do anything about either. But I'd love to buy handmade treasures and give them away.

    So, start that etsy shop.

  6. Oh, these journals you make are so beautiful!

  7. I actually have been making a few books too. Not as lovely as yours though. :)

  8. Your covers are lovely, strange to have books on shelves without their covers I think.


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