Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Little Candle

Saturday mornings are leisurely around here most of the time. On weekdays Tim eats his breakfast while I make his lunch, and I eat after he's gone. But on weekends I like to make something special, set a nice table, and even, on a grey morning, light a candle. 

I want to point out those placemats - pieced and quilted by my talented mother. She gave me a set of 8. And she knows me well - blue and white are my colours. 

On the menu this morning was a puffy omelet filled with sauteed apples, and whole wheat toast with honey, along with tea. Click on the link for the recipe.

Another storm blew in overnight. How pleasant to sit sipping my tea, warm and dry, while looking out at the trees swaying, rain pelting the street, and leaves flying like mad gulls.

Shakespeare wrote in The Merchant of Venice:

"How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world."

When I savour small moments in the day, such as a mug of hot tea and a good breakfast, the pleasure seems to throw a gentle glow on the hours that follow. Whatever your day holds, I hope you discover little things to savour.


  1. This is just such a nice post. You seem so at peace. (I would love that omelette...not so sure about my kids)

  2. Lorrie,
    I heartily agree with the sentiments you expressed in your post, regarding appreciating the moments, although I can't claim that I always put the theory into practice. It's good to refocus every now and again.
    The omelet looks delicious and led me to your other blog. I can't believe I hadn't visited before. I must go and click "follow". Then I'll make a cup of tea and savour it.

  3. There really is nothing like the glow from a candle at the breakfast table. I learned to light candles throughout the day from my husband's Danish family. There's something warm, welcoming, enveloping about the pool of light. I loved this post.

  4. This post is just like that little candle . . . casting a warm glow and shining a little light in a dreary day. Thanks, Lorrie.

  5. A perfect way to begin a nasty wet day!

  6. But I wouldn't call that omelet a little thing. I'm not surprised that the pleasure seems to glow on the hours that follow!
    PS. It is called envy :-)

  7. Sounds a nice start to the day. Unfortunately I am not a morning person so would enjoy it if someone did it for me.


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