Thursday, November 24, 2011

November Grey

No sun - no moon! 
No morn - no noon - 
No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day. 
No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, 
No comfortable feel in any member - 
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, 
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! - 


Thomas Hood - 1844

I copied the above poem from Friko's blog, written in England. It describes the weather around here, slightly exaggerating the bleakness, and neglecting to mention the wind and rain. A very good day to stay inside, where the grey light made electric lights a necessity all day. The above photo was taken at midday in a very well-lighted bathroom. 

But one group of beings didn't mind the wet. 

I had to make a quick trip to the library because my books were due and I was unable to renew several of them online. Driving by the duck pond I saw the ducks, pictured above on a drier day, standing stoically in the rain. They almost looked like they were enjoying themselves. 

What's the weather doing round your way?


  1. Love those jars all lined up in the window, and just a little bit of turquoise is nice too! The weather has been very nice in our part of Alberta. -24 last week end to a forecast of 17 for this week end!! Only in Alberta!! Have a great week end.

  2. It was a actually a beautiful day here today, after a week of gloom and rain. Novemeber is very special month to me, as it is the month my daughter was born,30 years ago today! :)

  3. It's been a grey day here too. The rain has thundered on the roof and the wind has howled, but we still have power, so we're just feeling cosy!

  4. Nice poem. It is like if having nothing else, words would be enough for happiness.
    And the ducks don't seem to need neither the words :-)

  5. Hello, Lorrie
    It has been a grey morning, but the sun is just starting to peek out a bit. Like in your photo, the grass is still green here. I'll head outdoors, in a little while, to rake some leaves.
    I hope you find some time to put on a pot of tea and cozy up with a fresh library book.

  6. That poem describes November beautifully! We have a few patches of blue sky here this morning...threatening to lift the grey a little.

  7. A bit of this and that today. We drove to Shrewsbury to do grocery shopping and found that it had rained nearer home while for us it had stayed dry. English weather is weird, showers are very localised.

    Thanks for the mention.

  8. Lovely poem...thanks for sharing...did you feel the windstorm the other day/night

  9. We're enjoying the nicest November we've ever had, with blue skies, sunshine and mild temperatures. Seems we had all our rain during the summer months!
    bon weekend.

  10. Your window photo is so simple yet so effective.


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