Thursday, November 03, 2011

Getting it Done

Packages in the mail are so much fun. This week I received a package of fat quarters from Miss Make in a giveaway. They are the cutest things - all Heather Ross designs, with mermaids, cowboys, and even a frog prince sitting on a lily pad. Thank you so much, Devon (Miss Make). If you visit MissMake's blog you'll find a very talented woman who teaches sewing, shares recipes and enjoys life to the full. 

I've posted the above photo for Reality Shot Thursday. These are hard shots for me to post. I don't like messes and I don't like sharing them. But this is my sewing corner. I have most of my sewing stuff in a big room downstairs, where there's no natural light, and it's a bit far away from the main living areas. 

So a few months ago I moved my sewing machine to a corner of the breakfast nook, which we don't use for eating anyway since we opened up the kitchen. I'm thinking of changing it over entirely, with a few shelves and cupboards to hold more sewing stuff. The theory was that if the sewing machine were more accessible, I'd sew more. And to a degree, that has worked.

I used to think that when I sat down to sew it had to be all or nothing. Same with cleaning, cooking, gardening. But I've learned a few things - maybe these tips will help you, too, in getting things done.

1.  If I only sew two seams (or clean one drawer, or chop one vegetable) because that's all the time I have, that's still two seams more than I would have stitched otherwise.

2.  In 5 or 10 minutes I can accomplish a LOT
- gather supplies for a project
- lay out a project, then cut it later
- thread my machine and clean out most of the lint
- organize my head so I know what to do next, ie: read the pattern instructions

3.  Sometimes just getting started is all it takes
Just last night I had a small project I wanted to sew. But I was tired. However, I knew that if I cut out the pieces then, I'd be ready to sew in the morning. Well, I cut, and then I sewed, and pressed, and I actually finished the project before I went to bed. I just needed a little push start.

4.  Getting excited about a project is one thing. Getting started is another.  
This is related to #3 above, but sometimes I don't start sewing because I'm certain that I won't like it, that it won't fit, that it won't turn out .... and so on. Yet I love sewing. When I tell myself (and myself listens) that all I have to do is the first step - it's easier for me. Soon I'm in the groove and sewing merrily away. And before I know it, the project is done.

Happy Sewing! Or Gardening, or Cooking, or Writing, or Cleaning, or whatever it is you do. Just start.


  1. Thank you Lorrie, I needed that gentle advice. I have so many things which I plan to start, but they have remained in my head.

  2. Every little bit helps! And your sewing corner is such a good idea. A little creative mess is a good thing!

    Thanks for joining in this week!


  3. I totally agree, Lorrie. One or two seams is progress and more often than not, I get more accomplished than I think I can. Want to finish some curtains for my daughters office before my surgery. Plan to start this evening.

  4. Hello Lorrie,

    Can't to see the finished product!


  5. You are right, its the first step no matter what the task. Very organized sewing area really.
    - Joy

  6. I used to sew a a lot and no matter how you define it, it's a messy business! But the end result was always worth the mess. Now I mostly use my machine for fixing something that needs repair. I lost my knack for clothing ... I wonder why.

  7. "...and myself listens" ha! That made me laugh. Well you are the clever one to make your sewing more central so that you may actually do it. I do find that with my sewing room away, I don't go there as often as I'd like. Loved your good tips. Yes, I've found that most of the battle is just in the getting started. Oh the food I've eaten just so I don't have to do what I don't want to do that only takes a short amount of time making me wonder why all the angst!

  8. I love the red sewing machine! It seems my sewing machine has played second fiddle to the computer these last few years. Maybe I should just seam at a time...and eventually I will finsih a project or two!

  9. Lovely fabric!

    Have a nice day.


  10. Getting started can often be the hardest bit of all.


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