Friday, November 04, 2011

An Ordinary Day

It's Friday again. The end of a week. The washer sloshes downstairs. From the kitchen comes the savory fragrance of roasting butternut squash and onions which will become soup. A bowl of yeast dough is rising on the countertop. Next up is a little dusting and vacuuming. 

Ordinary acts for an ordinary day. This morning I watched the sky change from dark to pale gray to half-hearted blue dotted with clouds. I had hoped to capture the half-light in the photo above, but it didn't work. The picture is very blah. Ordinary. Still, the red is so vibrant. I have no idea what kind of bush it is - it's rather nondescript in the summer.

Irish poet Thomas Moore (1779 - 1852) said, 
"The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest."

The simple acts I practice bring order to my home and by extension, to my mind and emotions. I like order. I like having food prepared ahead, ready for the weekend (more company coming - hooray!). 

So, what ordinary things are you doing today?


  1. Yay for Fridays!! I know what you mean about trying to capture the half-light... it's so tricky to do. But the bush looks so lovely - could it be a burning bush (euonymus)? I had one at a previous house... pretty ordinary all summer long and then burst into flame colours in fall.

  2. I am pushing laundry as well. And painting the door for the third and final time. And I am still hoping to finish up cleaning the bedroom, yet here I am visiting you and imagining if I could make soup for supper as I have a squash and onions.

    There's nothing ordinary about those burning bushes. They are so gorgeous in autumn.

    Have a happy weekend!

  3. Hello Lorrie,

    Love this photo, spectacular colour!
    They almost gone here in T.O...looking dull...
    I am also making veggie soup today.


  4. It sounds like a lovely ordinary kind of day!

    That bush might be what we call a burning bush -- Euonymus. It is gorgeous this time of year.

    I really liked your phrase 'half-hearted blue' -- I know exactly what the looks like! We have a similar sky today too!

    Enjoy the butternut and onion soup. I can almost imagine its savory fragrance.

  5. This wonderful bush seems to be euonymus alatus - I have a "baby" one too and it really stands out this time of the year !
    It's an ordinary day, but the last one of the week so the week-end is ahead and we'll go on with the washing, gardening and cooking - plus getting back in the school routine.

  6. Just got back from running some errands and I too am making butternut squash soup. Can hardly wait to have a bowl. Happy weekending!

  7. I'm preparing for company as well. I'll soon be baking pumpkin pies with pumpkin from our Jack O'Lantern. We do this every year but last night we decided to try baking the pumpkin as if it was squash and it was delicious. The farmer has filled the crockpot with his special recipe for baked beans. It's sunny and cool - 0' but still no snow so i'm happy.

  8. I like your 'ordinary' life with all its pleasure.
    Not so ordinary, if I remember all the brain work you were doing recently. A spell of domesticity is highly recommended.

  9. That bush is stunning, the colour is so vibrant.
    bon weekend


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