Friday, December 23, 2011

Almost Christmas!

Me: "I'd like to pick up this parcel, please."

Rummage, rummage. Looking high and low on shelves.

Me: "Um, I think it might be quite large."

Postal clerk: "OH ... It's THAT one"

"Are you feeling strong today?"

Me: "No."

I picked up this parcel from Berlin yesterday. It's full of presents for his family and hers, along with clothes and things the travelers decided were too heavy to pack around. We had been advised to open our gift as soon as it arrived, so we did. I was very tempted to open the parcel before Tim got home from work, but refrained because I couldn't lift it out from the car. It weighed 23 kilos (roughly 60 pounds). 

And a little rant. That huge box cost about $120 Cdn to ship from Germany to Canada. I sent a box about the size of an Amazon book box (small) for $100 Cdn from Canada to Germany. They each arrived in roughly the same amount of time. Canada's very high postage costs are one reason I'm hesitant to open an Etsy shop.

However. Moving on.

Inside our parcel was this charming pyramid - that's what the German word for it is. Tim assembled it and I lit the candles. The carolers in front of the church whirled merrily, never once getting dizzy, although they are slightly blurry here. It's so pretty. 

And silly me. I thought of the hands that wrapped the present and just wished that I could hold them close to me. Our adventurers are missed, and never more than at this time of year.

But they have left Berlin and are holidaying in the Swiss Alps, where snow is falling, falling, falling. Ashley is learning to ski and Owen is renewing his skiing techniques. They are having a grand time. Italy is next on the itinerary.

Around here, the cutest little mushrooms are waiting for me to assemble the Bûche de Noel, which will be done tomorrow.

The spiced pecans are wrapped up in a set of handled consomme cups I found at the thrift store, with snowflake cellophane and polka dotted green ribbon. These will be delivered tomorrow to our neighbours.

Bread is rising on the counter top for a chocolate filled babka recipe that I've been wanting to try. That, along with egg strudels (currently residing in the freezer) and fruit will comprise our Christmas breakfast.

I'll be posting sporadically for the next while. Because, in addition to Christmas, we're moving between Christmas and New Year's. It's a partial move for now so there's not an overwhelming urge to pack up the entire household. I'll explain more in the New Year.

Merry Christmas to all of my wonderful readers. I appreciate each one of you and pray that you will experience the Hope, Love, Joy and Peace that the Christ Child brings to earth. 


  1. What an adventure those two are on - and the greatest gift you've given them is the guilt-free freedom to be away.
    Postage rates - shameful, really. I mailed early, yet small parcels to Ontario each cost in excess of $30. They are pricing us out of a postal service.

  2. I know just how you feel about your wanderers - this will be the second Christmas my daughter has been away and I long to hold her but as long as they are all happy and well that is all we mothers can hope for isn't it? You amaze me with the price of the postage on that huge package - it would be out of the question to post anything like that from here too! Have a happy Christmas.

  3. Oh Lorrie...what a beautiful Christmas Pyramid! I can see from the pictures how well crafted it is. What a gift. Yes...I know what you mean about wishing more to hold the hands that wrapped the gift. Two of my own are away this Christmas and we are missing our own little adventures as well. :) That being said, they must move onto the paths that were meant for them...not always the same as our own. Perhaps that's the most difficult part of parenting? Sending love to you this Christmas.
    P.S. LOVE your gifts in the thrifted consume clever...and those mushrooms are works of art!!!

  4. What a wonderful gift. My sister has one similar also from Germany and it always delights us to see it displayed, to light the candles and have the blades rotate and the skaters waltz or the shoppers scurry.

    Scurry is my new favorite word. Speaking of which, you folks certainly will be busy next week. Looking forward to learning more about what's going on with you!

    I can't think of anything much more wonderful for your daughter and her husband than to spend Christmas in Switzerland. How perfectly romantic...

    The snow you envied is already melting and brown. I'm sure that the rain will provide just the right atmosphere for Christmas. It was raining for our family Christmas last weekend and we found it so.

    Warm wishes for a lovely Christmas!

  5. What a beautiful gift from your daughter and son-in-law! I've never seen anything like it before - so skillfully made too.

    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and best of luck with your move.

    Take care.

  6. The Pyramid is beautiful. What craftsmanship! I know you will treasure it always. My daughter just informed me that she and her husband might be moving to Seattle when he graduates from college in May (we live in Georgia), I'm trying to smile while I'm dying inside! Merry Christmas to you!

  7. Oh I just love your idea of using those cups for your pecans. Can I borrow the idea for next year? I have some similar cups and have not known what to do with them. Have a very Merry Christmas! Kit

  8. Oh...I love that 'pyramid'. I just saw some similar ones at the Vancouver Christmas market.

    Very nicely packaged gifts for your neighbours!

    Blessings to you and your family at Christmas...and as you move along next week.

  9. Your Christmas will be so different with all the plans you'll be making and the packing you'll be doing. I know you'll be missing your daughter and her husband but will be happy for them to be having such a grand adventure in Europe. All the best to you Lorrie for a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

  10. Joyeux Noël Lorrie, ainsi qu'à toute ta famille !
    Un déménagement ?? Quelle surprise ! Je te souhaite bon courage et j'ai hâte de te relire bientôt.

  11. What a wonderful surprise! That 'pyramid' will be part of many future Christmases when your family is once again altogether.
    Meanwhile, it sounds as if you're making this Christmas as wonderful as possible in the absence of some loved ones. All the best for a lovely and festive gathering -- and I wish you fortitude and luck for the moving ahead.


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