Thursday, December 08, 2011

Mid-December Doings

Who knew how hard it is to photograph fashion? Not me, until yesterday. Taking pictures of people wearing clothes is much easier than trying to style something flat and make it look reasonable. Here's my best effort. The arm looks a little scary - like a skeleton. This is part of what I purchased at Bamboozle the other day - for those who have asked. A cream sweater, soft fuschia scarf with silver beads, and a bracelet. Paired with black or grey pants/skirt, this will be my outfit for casual get togethers.

The sweater is made of viscose - also known as rayon. It's a quasi "natural" fibre - made from wood pulp. Since I can't wear even the softest cashmere or animal fibre next to my skin (I itch just thinking about it) I'm always on the lookout for good quality alternatives. They are hard to find. But I have another sweater made of rayon and silk and it wears very well.

I spent two happy days with this sweet face - she's taking her first steps, saying her first words, banging on a drum, learning "no," and generally delighting me.

And of course, there's baking. Gingerbread snowflakes. I took this photo in the dark, with the under counter lighting which accounts for all the glare. But I'm not hauling the cookies out of the freezer again just to arrange them prettily on a plate to take a photo.

And Linzer cookies - made with ground hazelnuts and cherry jam. These are posed nicely on a plate. But I was putting them together anyway for a plate that Tim took to work today.

Today I'm hoping to finish decorating the tree. It's been up for almost a week with just the lights on it. Very pretty, really, but I'm ready for a little more. Some sewing and baking (bread and mini quiches), and the beginning of phone calls and address changes for our upcoming move. 

What's on your plate today?


  1. Ooooo... we love your mid-December doings!

    And I'd a been bamboozled by that gorgeous red and white too! (Your picture with its 'skeleton' arms has not scared me off....hee hee)

    I agree... what a sweet face to delight in..... precious precious!

    Glad you are enjoying these mid-winter days. That baking looks awesome.

    I'm not baking today, but I sure enjoyed the sunrise this morning with its pinks and red and red-golds.

  2. Sweetest little profile ever! You're going to have a helper in the kitchen before long. I am also sewing, also decorating, and hopefully, I'll get to some baking, too.

    Your new outfit is lovely and you will be stunning in it and I do hope that we get to see that photo one day!

  3. Our tree's been up since saturday and only has lights on it so far. I want to decorate every day, but baby wins over everything!

  4. Your granddaughter is adorable! Today I'm trying to catch up. Came home last night after a week with my daughter and new granddaughter!!!

  5. It's a lovely photo, and I can imagine you wearing it all!

  6. Hello Lorrie,

    Nice outfit! Love the sweet face, so cute!

    And those cookies are my most favorite...yummy!


  7. Such delightful doings, Lorrie.

  8. I wish I was baking and decorating for Christmas here at home but I have to enjoy it all vicariously this year as my heart is in Colorado. I'll be celebrating out there very soon! :)

    Your grand daughter is the sweetest! I can't wait to see my two grandosns.

  9. I should be cleaning my house, Lorrie, but I'm admiring your lovely new finery. Off to the kitchen I go...

  10. Your Bamoozle outfit is beautiful!
    Today? - well, it's almost over - actually is over now! We went to the Belfry this evening, and for the first time in a while, actually enjoyed the play. Otherwise the day was spent in the not-very-Christmassy activities of sitting in the dentist's chair and then working.

  11. Your new outfit looks very classy for casual. Beautiful! Your lintzer cookies look very classy as well!

    Your grand girlie is a sweetie.

  12. Beautiful! Love how you photographed the sweater with accessories! And you cookies look wonderful!
    Reminds me I need to get to the freezer and put the appys I made yesterday into a bag .. I was freezing them on a cookie sheet to freeze individually.

  13. Mmmm those cookies look delicious!! I think it is time for a hot chocolate break and then I have to get busy making some Christmas gifts!! Have a happy day!

  14. Ohh and your moving!! WOW seems like you just got settled ,,,,but you seem excited about it all :) Your remodelled kitchen will have great re sale value for your house!!


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