Friday, December 09, 2011

Gift Wrapping

Back in October I wrapped a few Christmas gifts. They were lightweight, suitable for sending to Europe. Decorations had to be flat and not easily scrunched. So I printed off a couple of photographs from childhood days gone by (I had some scanned from the wedding slide show). I layered the photograph on the gift (above is wrapped in a brown paper bag), tied it with red yarn and added a sprig of cedar. 

For this gift I used plain white paper, and stitched each end closed with my sewing machine. This photo shows our youngest riding a horse as a little girl in Ecuador. Instead of tying the yarn, I wrapped it round and round the gift. 

Along with some baking and couple of smaller things, the parcel arrived in Germany and has been opened. The travelers are off to Switzerland next week, until the end of the year. We're missing them, but oh, what a grand adventure they are having!

Meanwhile, all of my other gifts languish in a closet. Unwrapped. I guess it's almost time to get going on that. 


  1. There's nothing like getting parcels from home... there's nothing like sending them either!

    Perhaps your other gifts aren't languishing at all, but rather gathering the momentum for the right moment of grace to tumble out to flurry and swirl in the tissue and ribbons.....

  2. Those gifts were wrapped so creatively and with lots of love, too. I'm glad that the newlyweds are having themselves a grand adventure. You're not the only blogging friend I have who has newlyweds off for the big adventure either I suddenly realize. Vickie at Sand Flat Farm has a son and daughter in New Zealand.

  3. Such pretty packages!!! Good job! I'm doing pretty well keeping up with the wrapping this year.... they are all stacking up in the guest room!

  4. Two travelers must have been so happy to receive such lovingly-wrapped gifts. Now into that closet to pull out all the others!

  5. What a great and novel way to wrap a gift, I must remember the "how to" instructions.
    Hoping to find the time to write Christmas cards and wrap afew gifts myself this weekend but I have a good book to read and the log fire is burning so maybe tomorrow?
    Hope your weekend is full of warm and lovely things too.

  6. Such fun idea for gift-wrapping! My un-wrapped gifts are languishing in closets as well. Maybe we should organize a blogger gift-wrap day...where we quit blogging and get wrapping! Actually...we could probably do both.

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Oh my goodness....your packaging is so beautiful!!! I love how you tucked the little tag in there! This is kari of kariandkijsa and I just started a new blog! I would love for you to stop by sometime!

    Thanks and have the merriest of Christmases!



  8. The wrapping is adorable and I am sure that they are having a fabulous time. Today I received a cake in the mail all the way from really made my day.

    Leeann x


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