Friday, December 30, 2011

Looking Back 2011

A glance back over 2011 makes me realize just how much living can be packed into 12 months. Time is one of God's good gifts to us - how we use it determines our quality of life, the things we value, and our relationships with others. Here's a fast race through 2011 from my perspective.

January brought a heavy snowfall that transformed a brown landscape into other worldly glistening white.

During February we spent a week in Mexico, enjoying sunshine, snorkeling, touring, and time to read and sketch.

In March we celebrated my beloved's birthday - all the children surprised him by showing up for dinner. Walks on the beach began. Grandbaby continued to charm us all with her sweetness.

In April signs of spring began. Trees showed hints of green. We spent a weekend on Pender Island with friends, enjoying good food, good company and beautiful scenery.

By May the fence was completed and we ate our first outdoor meal of the year in privacy. Cherry blossoms fell like confetti. 

In June the house renovation was declared finished with the completion of the kitchen project. Roses bloomed and vegetables grew up in the garden beds.

We spent a weekend camping with the family at Englishman River Falls in the beginning of the month. Mid-July found us on Sonora Island, marveling at the untouched beauty of creation. 

Company visited in August, including my parents. We spent an afternoon wandering through Milner Gardens, where this photo was taken.

During our trip to Alberta in September, we visited with family, hiked in Banff National Park, and enjoyed afternoon tea overlooking the magnificent Rockies.

At the end of the month we bade a tearful goodbye to our traveling adventurers. After spending almost 3 months in Germany, they skied in the Swiss Alps over Christmas, then spent three days in Paris before flying down to the boot of Italy today, where they plan on staying for a month.

At the beginning of October I wrote my last exam and completed my degree in French. We celebrated Thanksgiving with family, thanking God for each one.

The play of light and shadow highlighted November. Sunny days mixed with rain as we waited for news that would affect our future. 

December days were lighted by Advent and the preparation for the coming of the Christ Child. I am so glad He came to earth so long ago and became my Lord. Christmas celebrations were filled with family, another of God's good gifts. And we moved! 

As the year closes, my wish for each of my readers is to experience, in 2012, the Hope, Joy, Peace and Love brought to earth by the Christ Child so long ago.


  1. Sending all best wishes to you & your family for 2012.
    What a wonderful year you have had!

  2. Perhaps these Year in Reviews are a Canadian thing. Now I have Lovella's, Judy's, and yours to admire. You really have done a wonderful job with yours just as they did with theirs. It's been an amazing year for you and your family. I'm sure some questions remain, though they will surely be answered over time. Happy New Year, Lorrie!

  3. It's good to look back and 'count our blessings' as the year draws to a close. So many things happened in 2011. Things that will never make the news...but are so worth remembering...and documenting right here. You did a great pictorial re-cap. I love the blossoms falling like confetti last spring!

    Happy New Year!

  4. Welcome home, Lorrie! We'll have to get together soon. I hope that the mini-move went smoothly and that the house up-Island sells in a flash!
    Happy New Year to you and your husband!

  5. What a beautiful " trip through time " !
    Wishing You and Your Family wonderful New Year !
    Stay well and safe my Dear

  6. Oh my, that photo of the cherry blossoms swirling about looks like "joy" to me.
    I hope you're settling in well, Lorrie.

  7. So nice to see the lovely photos of your year in review Lorrie. Each photo is wonderful. Best of luck to you in the New Year...home again.

  8. What a wonderful idea, this year in review through photos -- wish I'd thought of it. But my photos wouldn't be as wonderful as yours -- lovely! I'm pleased that I found, and began following, your blog this year, and look forward to more in 2012. Happy New Year!

  9. Such a wonderful and lovely review of 2011, Lorrie!
    Thoughtful and touching.

    Thank you for your interesting posts with beautiful personal images and your lovely comments throughout the year!

    All my very best wishes for you and yours for 2012! Lots of courage with packing and moving/selling ?? your home.

    Happy New Year - Bonne année!


  10. What a beautiful post! Happy new year, my friend!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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