Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tying up the Ends

Last night, while watching the most inane decorating show (designers decorated homes for celebrities while sharing angst and ego), I stitched these cutie pies. They are for decorating my Christmas packages. I used burlap, quilting cotton, and cheesecloth. Each fabric type resulted in a different look. There are different tutorials around the web - I stitched mine rather than using glue. It's a very dull day around here, hence the glare of lights on the photo.

I used some of them for this card. A friend of mine has breast cancer. She has endured, and triumphed through 6 months of grueling chemotherapy. Next is surgery - on the 20th of December. After that, radiation. I admire her spunk so much. She doesn't live in the same town as I do, and I wish I was closer so I could help her. Instead, I can pray, and let her know I'm thinking of her. 

Did you know blogging can save you time and money? I learned that just today. No, this is not a paid advertisement.

I planned on wrapping gifts today. So I sorted out my shopping and then started realizing that I did not have the gifts I thought I had. I assumed that I had only imagined buying them and have been rushing around the house intending to drive into town to complete my list. 

As I was writing this blog post, I suddenly realized that there WAS another bag, in another location. I opened it up and voilà - there they were - the presents I really had purchased. 

If I had not stopped to blog before going out, just think of the time I would have wasted and the money I would have spent foolishly duplicating the purchases hidden under the bed.

Yay for blogging!


  1. I like your thinking!

    What a sweet way to let your friend know that you are thinking of her. Such a lot for her to be going through.

  2. The embellishments are lovely and I know your friend will cherish the handmade card from you.
    Thank goodness you cleared your thoughts, whilst blogging, long enough to recollect where the other bag of gifts was stashed!

  3. Oh such lovely pretties, Lorrie. The card for your friend is beautiful! So glad you found those gifts that were tucked safely away.

  4. Lorrie, I watched that show while knitting. Have you ever, ever seen anything so silly? I thought the all-white rooms were awful, but the garish Trisha Yearwood house was really, really bad. I felt sorry for her.
    Yay for blogging, indeed! Now if I could just find a way to make blogging save time....

  5. I agree yay for blogging and I am sure that your friend will love the card. It is the small things that count the most.

    Leeann x

  6. The blogging angel was looking after you.

    Very pretty embellishments. I'm sure you got more done because of the awfulness of the show! xx

  7. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Those are adorable....I saw a throw with these flowers in different colors stiched all over it. Have you already posted a tutorial on how to make them?

  8. Yay for blogging!
    Your fabric cutie pies are real cuties!

  9. Ces roses sont magnifiques, et la carte pour ton amie lui fera très certainement chaud au coeur. Je lui souhaite bon courage dans son combat.
    En ce moment ça m'arrive beaucoup aussi, d'oublier ce que j'ai fait... Les blogs ont de multiples vertus, heureusement qu'ils existent :-)

  10. Your friend is fortunate to have such a thoughtful caring friend in you, Lorrie.
    The roses are beautiful. I love items that are handmade, particularly those made by someone I know (she says, looking at the quilt made by my mom and another by my sister-in-law). Whatever you choose to wrap up, the packaging is bound to be gorgeous!
    -Karen ❄

  11. Yay for blogging! And I love your embellishments.... I made a bunch..need to see if I can FIND them!!! I watched that designer show once..... bizarre.

  12. First of all, those are so pretty! I love everything you create. And second, you are a great friend to your friend. She seems very strong. I lost my mom to breast cancer...but medicine and technology is so much more advanced these days and your friend will pull through!!!!

    Have a great rest of the week.

  13. Your roses are gorgeous! So glad you stopped by to say hello.


  14. Gorgeous! What beautiful gifts these will make.
    All the best to your friend. . .

  15. I know I have presents lurking in my house that I have "put away" only to have to frantically try to remember where I put them!! What cute bows you made and I love the pink card for your dear friend. I know she will love your support :)


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