Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cozy Days, Busy Days

I baked some of these today. Delicious morsels of pastry, dried raisins and cranberries, with a hint of cinnamon, lightly dusted with sugar. I used gold sanding sugar today because I found some in the cupboard. I got the recipe from my sister, a baker par excellence. Rugelach, they're called and you can find the recipe on my other blog.

On another note, I attempted to create stars in my tree photo by taking the shot through a tea strainer, as suggested by a comment on Vee's site, which she tried out today. I can see the mesh in the photo and the stars don't twinkle as much as I'd hoped. Chalk that one up to experience. I turned on the tree lights this morning while baking because it's so dark and grey these days.

My front door jangles cheerfully every time it opens or closes. I didn't make a real wreath this year, but dragged an old artificial swag from the box and hung this set of sleigh bells underneath. These bells come from my husband's grandparents' farm in northern BC. They had a horse named Prince, who would pull a sleigh in winter, or stoneboat in summer. Tim remembers these bells jingling merrily in days gone by. I'm happy to have them continue their sound on my door.

How are things going for you? Are you staying cozy on these busy days? 


  1. Interesting. You're the fourth gal to try this. I've got to round you all up on one blog post so I can compare. It must've been all the light behind the tree, though the lights do look like stars.

  2. I don't remember the bells, but I do remember Prince and the stoneboat. I guess I was never at the farm in the winter time. Great tidbit of family nostalgia, Lorrie.

  3. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Dried cranberries and raisins....sounds wonderful! Your tree lights do look like stars, so Vee was right!

  4. Oh, you really are getting in the spirit -- I love the sleigh bells!

  5. Sleigh bells that are still jingling !! Great idea!! and I bet those sweet treats you made smelled wonderful!!

  6. They look delicious. Effective use of a tea strainer too!

  7. Those look delicious! I can see starry lights....

  8. Your baking goodies look wonderful.
    Your home is decorated so beautiful...yes your lights look like stars.
    Wishinf you a MERRY CHRISTMAS with your family & friends.
    Hugs, Sharon

  9. Hello Lorrie,

    I can smell them from here...Mmmm...


  10. Your tree is beautiful! Happy holidays! ♥

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    That Vee! I tried too, and had some success. The stars on her tree today are glorious!
    Beautiful and delicious pictures!

  12. Oooo, I love rugelach! These look great and so does your tree. I just love seeing everyone's trees! Kit

  13. I'm anxious to try this technique too - but tomorrow when i'm not tired. I tried to take a few pictures as we were decorating and they were all out of focus because i'd left it on landscape...that's why the pictures i took of the Bright Lights Display in the city were out of focus as well...tomorrow's another day. Hope the sun shines for you over the weekend.

  14. Your tree is very pretty!
    I love the idea of those old sleigh bells ringing with the comings and goings.

  15. I love coming here because you always have such gentle, domesticated posts, pleasant and, yes, cosy.

    You are somebody I'd like to emulate.

  16. Hi, Lorrie
    My uncle takes out his horse and sleigh every winter. It's the same sleigh he, my mother and their other siblings would ride in decades ago. Jingle bells, jingle bells.
    Your treats look delicious. I'll pop over to your other blog to take a closer look.

  17. I have jingle bells on my door, too.
    Your tree is lovely, really!

  18. Oh Lorrie,
    so much to catch up with here! And look WHERE I'm leaving a comment :))) Cookies and sweets are #1 on my list of simple pleasures right now! :)
    Hugs and have a wonderful Christmas!!
    Monica xo.


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