Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas with Family

After many years of living overseas in South America, we are teased by my parents that we still live "overseas." So, several times a year we make the trek across the water, via a 90 minute ferry ride, through the Fraser Valley, to the town where my siblings and parents live.  

This past weekend we celebrated an early Christmas. Twenty-four of us made it, ranging in age from a sweet tiny 1-month-old to great-grandparents in their 70s. It was loud, it was fun, it was a delicious time. My sister and brother-in-law are wonderful hosts, and we all contributed to the turkey dinner. 

Early Sunday morning my back had had enough of two days of sitting around. I got up in the half-light, put on my coat and went for a walk. 

A fine mist fell and several times I stopped to look at the beading of water on bare tree branches. I didn't take my camera with me, but after returning to my parents' home, I noticed they had a similar tree. Each water droplet looked like a crystal bead.

Driving home through the Valley, a heavy mist lay on the land. Nearing the shore, however, the clouds lifted and sun shone. We had a beautiful crossing, mild enough that I ventured outdoors onto the deck for a walk. 

We've been away every weekend in December. It's been so busy, but I wouldn't miss this particular trip, crazy as it is - I'm so thankful for my family.


  1. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. The tree "beads" are so beautiful and the ferry and mountains shot is breathtaking. Merry Christmas to you and Tim.

  2. Sweet, sweet family. You do look lovely sitting upon the stair in your new outfit with a grandgirlie on your lap. (I've never met a prepositional phrase that I didn't love.) Hope that you get to stay home next weekend and have people come to you!

  3. I don't think I'd mind taking that trip either. What a beautiful place! I've never been to that part of the world and I think I'm missing something wonderful! I live in the Midwest and mountains are not included! :D
    I'm so happy that you had a good time with your family. Good to be closer!

  4. Wish we could have been there! I cannot wait to be home and surrounded by mountains again!

  5. There's busy, and then there's 'family busy' and the latter is the very best sort.
    Your new Christmas outfit looks great!

  6. Whew...you do have a lot on your plate this month. But family 'on the plate' is always good! And I think I recognize a few faces around your table. Glad you could make the trip!

  7. Your photos are so beautiful. It's wonderful that so many of your family were able to gather for a special day together. Will you be Skyping with your daughter and her husband at Christmas. It's amazing how that technology can put you in the same room. I'm hoping my daughter will take her laptop to Nanaimo where she will be spending Christmas with our friends. That way we'll Skype on Christmas Day. All the best to you and your husband for a Merry Christmas Lorrie - your tree is exquisite!

  8. Christmas began early for you just as it did for us last weekend.
    How wonderful that so many of your family could gather together to share the joy of this special season.
    Love the shot of the water "crystals" hanging on the tree.

  9. What lovely pictures! When I first noticed the tree, I thought it had Christmas lights on it, but when I read your post, I had to take a second look. What beautiful crystal beads indeed! How special to enjoy such a great time with your family. The fairy ride looked to be a delight.
    I wish you much happiness.
    Merry Christmas,

  10. What a beautiful place. How nice that you have family close enought to visit.

    Have a wonderful Christmas Lorrie!


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