Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I love old things with meaning. I have no desire to purchase new Christmas ornaments every year, preferring instead the memories that we hang on the tree time after time. And this year, more than others, I'm irritated at the marketing I see everywhere to buy more, update, refresh, etc. Maybe I'm just getting crotchety. Anyway, I've had enough. Newspapers go straight into the recycle bin and television commercials are muted. 

The pace has slowed around here. The shopping was finished weeks ago, the baking is done, and the gifts are almost wrapped. Days are full of pleasant activities like planning menus, sitting on the couch with some hand sewing, and today - ironing the linen napkins that were a wedding gift to my husband's parents in 1953, and making sure the candles are ready for the table.

On an entirely different note, with nothing to do with Christmas, the above arrived in the mail on Monday. It's my second degree - my first is a Bachelor of Religious Education completed when I was in my 20s. And now this one. Up until the last minute I was sure the school would discover that I needed one more course, or I failed an exam or something that would derail me. However. It's official. I finished. 

Time to breathe. Time for a cup of tea and a cookie. Please join me, I'd love to find out what's happening in your world.


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    YES - way to go. Congratulations Lorrie.

    With Christmas - I'm all for simple and quiet. Perhaps if more and more people talk about it and show that it's possible, it'll become a growing trend. A less is more thing. Wouldn't that be lovely?

  2. Congratulations Lorrie! That is quite an accomplishment - for anyone, any age - but when I think that you've done this while facing lots of challenges I'm amazed. Well done!
    On another note - this made me smile, because this year, as in most, nothing new has been bought, but much has gone out the door, sent to our son's tree or set aside for our daughter's. Little by little!

  3. Congratulations, Lorrie. I know it's a lot of work to earn a degree. I hope you have a place of honour for it.

  4. Congratulations! A degree in French has been a lifetime goal for me, but got put on the backburner. If I ever do it, it will be in my 70s. . . .But I did once take a 2nd-year course through Athabasca -- they're great people! And I have an idea of how disciplined you have to be to get that degree, so much work done independently. Bravo! Felicitations!

  5. Oh we are pleased for you! And with distinction too! A moment well worth celebrating! Now you can truly relax and enjoy Christmas....

  6. Congratulations, Lorrie! You have worked so hard toward this goal. I'm delighted to join you for a celebratory mug of coffee and a cookie!

  7. I am so with you on "Enough"! My heartiest congratulations on earning your degree 'with Great Distinction". I know it was hard earned . . . remembering many FB statuses regarding essays and exams. Enjoy the quiet days leading up to Christmas, Lorrie.

  8. Congratulations!
    Enjoy your tea and cookie while I'm packing to drive up to Prince George to spend Christmas with my girl and her man and their dog.
    Merry Christmas to you Lorrie.

  9. congratulations!!!
    thanks for all the sweet comments on my blog,it's really a pleasure for me
    i wish you and yours a merry christmas and a happy new year!!!!
    love and hugs,

  10. Well done lorrie!!
    It can't be easy going back to studying after a wee break!!

    How are you using your RE degree?

    It's been very calming for me visiting you this morning, in this world of flurry and hurry.
    I'm like you and use the same tree decs each year - when I open the box in early December it's like discovering old friends inside!! My daughter sends me a new one each year from France too!

    Christmas blessings to you and your family.

  11. Lorrie! How wonderful! I feel like I've followed you all the way ... I've been reading your blog for so long! Congratulations ... you deserve the chance to sit with a cup of tea and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

  12. Old things, cherished things, remembered things are always best. And I heartily agree, less can be more. Congratulations, too !

  13. Congratulations!! What a grand accomplishment. As for the holidays it seems that work is not slowing down in the least because of how the holiday fell this year. I keep hoping it will so that there is some time to enjoy a silent night.

  14. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Congrats Lori! That's awesome!

    Hey - I was wondering where that one post was about the heart banner you made a while was from strips of music paper I think? Or old dictionary pages maybe? I'm trying to find instructions, and having a hard time - I could figure it out, but why reinvent the wheel?

    Thanks for the awesome blog! I wish I could do what you've done on your blog - it rocks!

  15. Congratulations to my eldest daughter, I always knew you could and would do it and with GREAT DISTINCTION at that. You have accomplished something that I wanted when I was younger and desired for my children as well. Now you have done it, again, congratulations - I admire you with love.

  16. I just found your blog and think it is beautiful. I totally agree with you on the assault of Christmas, it can be so easy to get sucked into the latest craze each year. Congratulations on your degree and have a merry Christmas. Patty

  17. Congratulations Lorrie!
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
    Hugs, Sharon

  18. Good Morning and Merry Christmas Lorrie!

    I am so happy for you! I know how hard it is to discipline yourself to study and carry on with your "other life" and all it's requirements on your time. I know that you will put your education to a good use, whatever it shall be.

    I hope the move is coming along well and that you will be able to sit back and take a deep breath sometime soon! Enjoy your holidays. I know that you will keep them REAL and true to your heart.

    Blessings to you and yours!

  19. Congratulations Lorrie! Hard work, dedication and a love of learning have all combined to result in your degree. It's a wonderful accomplishment and your family must be so proud of you! All the best for the future. I hope there's still a chance of you coming to Convocation in June. It's a wonderful celebration.

  20. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Congratulations on your second degree! I love linen napkins, too! There's something special about the authenticity of them! Happy Peaceful Christmas!

  21. Congratulations on your well- earned degree. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

  22. I wish I was as ready as you are. But I refuse to stress out over it though... trying to take a go with the flow attitude.

    Merry Christmas, Lorrie!

  23. Lorrie...many congratulations on your well deserved Diploma!!! Very do you find the time to do it all? You're an inspiration.

  24. Congratulations, Lorrie! Well done. Time to relax and enjoy the holiday season.

    Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!


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