Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Moments

There were presents. Laughter. Sparkly lights and baby giggles. Good food, good conversation, and lots of love.

We missed our adventurers but on Christmas Eve, via the wonders of Skype, I heard the church bells ringing out across a snowy village in the Swiss Alps, calling worshipers to adore the newborn King. It was magical.

After our dinner we took a long walk to the beach. Crisp air, significant wind and blue skies helped us digest the turkey et al.

Yesterday, the guests all left. And packing began. I waited until this morning to dismantle the tree. But it's sort of sad. It doesn't look Christmassy around here any longer.

This move is a partial one. We're leaving most of our stuff in this house, staged to look good to prospective buyers. We kept our home in the city and will be moving there. For the first month, we'll be in the basement suite, then, when our tenants leave, we'll move upstairs. We'll decide then whether or not to hire the movers then or leave the house still set up. Hopefully, it will sell in January. It's all a bit complicated, but Tim's job is based out of the city, and I can begin teaching on call there, so it seemed best to move now.

Had we known what we know now we would have rented here. Instead, we spent most of our 21 months here in a flurry of renovations. Sigh. 

I have the best husband in the world. On Christmas Eve I sent him to the store to get a pound of butter. He came home with the butter AND a bouquet of flowers. So, while the boxes and mess fill up the house, every once in awhile I look at the vase of white, green and red, take a breath and smile. There's a little pretty left here.


  1. oh my..We moved from one rental house to another on Boxing day long ago..I remember the mess and chaos with 2 little kids and a cat...take care..and thanks for sharing your Christmas with us....Happy New Year

  2. Another one here who has moved at Christmas - we were in Ontario and The Great Dane had to go ahead to Pennsylvania. It was my first move as a brand-new Air Force wife and I was relieved to see everything arrive safely in the first week of January!
    Your Christmas looks like it was lovely. Soon you'll be settled in familiar territory - I'm so happy for you!

  3. Beautiful collage as always. Little Adria is as cute as a button . . . love the rosy cheeks and toothy grin in the photo with Grandpa. Hope your partial move goes smoothly. Happy New Year.

  4. Good luck with the moving -- that's a challenge so quickly after Christmas.

    Those two bottom teeth in that little smile -- fabulous!

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    wow, sounds like you will be busy! Oh your table looks beautiful! Cool about hearing the bells over the computer!

  6. What a beautiful,loving post ...!
    Made me smile with my heart.
    Wishing You all the best of luck
    Dear Lorrie !

  7. You and he have learned how to take joy and so I have every confidence that you will create a home wherever you go. May that home sell early and at a good price. You've certainly done so very much to improve and update it. All the best as you pack and do and go and return to a home and location you love.

  8. Best Wishes for a successful move!

  9. Lorrie - although you have put so much into this new home through the renovations, it will no doubt attract new owners who are very impressed by what you've done and will be very happy in their new home. On the other side of the coin, you'll be moving to your heart's home. How wise you were to keep it in retrospect ! Your Christmas collage is lovely. Best of luck to you in the coming weeks!

  10. Have a safe move! Wishing you a fabulous New Year!

  11. I've been thinking of you these last few days...and what it would be like to move right after Christmas. It sounds like all is calm and organized over there. Flowers to move by...what a nice touch! All the best to you with your move...your house sale...and all the details.

  12. Hello Lorrie,

    Love you collage! You have a beautiful family!


  13. Good Morning Lorrie!

    Sounds like a perfect Christmas and your pics reflected it! It also sounds like you have a plan and I just know that things will work out for the best for you and Tim. He's a real keeper!!

    Have a productive weekend and a safe move!

    Happy New Year!

  14. You are right, he is a wonderful husband, treat him well.

    Happy New Year, dear Lorrie! May the move to a different life go well and may your life be as happy here as it was here.

  15. What a sweet husband!

    Good luck with your move and have a Happy New Year, Lorrie!

  16. Oh my...I totally missed this posting and of your new plans and moves.

    I'm wishing you the ever-present of joy that springs up from the well within to grace you with all strength and ability... and ease for mind and heart.



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