Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thoughts about Trees, Tourists, and a Giveaway

Yesterday, I took myself to Butchart Gardens. Having an annual pass is wonderful. When I was last there, documented in this post, grey clouds threatened rain and there were few visitors. Not so now. I heard all kinds of American accents, and there was at least one tour from Asia. I don't know enough to distinguish Chinese from Korean from any other eastern language so I could not identify the people group. 

Everyone has a camera. I-phones, tablets, point and shoot digitals, humongous DSLRs. It's just as much fun to watch the people as to look at the gardens. Some people look at life through their cameras, snapping away, rarely taking time to just stand and really look at the foliage, the flowers, the composition, the structure of the scene in front of them. Others look for awhile, then put the camera up to the eyes and press the shoot button. 

A querulous conversation overheard along the way:

He (gray haired and tall, looking wildly about at everything but the flowers):  I don't know what I'm going to do and you don't know, either.
She (snapping photos left and right): You know you will anyway. You always do.
He: (stomping away) I'm going back to sit in the car.

What was THAT all about?

I stood under this blossoming tree for quite some time. Its beauty made my soul ache. Do you get that feeling? That you cannot possible absorb the loveliness of this, of now, and your soul stretches and leans into the moment?

I wish we all could meet at Butchart Gardens and wander through it together, stopping to look and admire, take some photos, and have tea. Would that not be a wonderful afternoon? I picked up a few things in the gift store to complete a giveaway. There's a set of four mug mats and a felt needlebook made by me, a wire flower arranger (to place over a vase), a package of annual seeds and some loose tea, blended for the Garden. 

To enter, just leave a comment on this post, ensuring that I have a way to contact you. I have noticed that I cannot find contact information about some of my commenters because they are connected with Google+, and unless I join Google+ I cannot see anything - not even discover your blogs. My reasons for not connecting with Google+ are for another post.

I'll choose a winner on May 3, just over a week from now.  

This post is linked to Thursday Inspiration, hosted by Mary of the Little Red House.


  1. What wonderful blooms - I know what you mean by seeing beauty so great that it hurts. I am constantly amazed by the beauty that surrounds us.
    Great giveaway!

    I understand about the Google+ thing. I have an account, but it is separate from my blog. I like to keep them separate!

  2. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I would love to meet and wander through Butchart Gardens with you in person, but the next best things is seeing your lovely photos. I'd love to be entered into the giveaway. I'm not on Blogger anymore but I'm using a back door Wordpress setup to get to my site. I have no idea if my email shows that way. crafty.gardener at yahoo dot ca (using at and dot in place of the usual symbols.

  3. Lorrie, your second picture is gorgeous! I know what you mean about the ache of beauty... When I was in your area several years ago, I strolled through the Governor's garden, conveniently located next door to Fairholme Manor Inn -- my all-time favorite B&B. Oh, how I'd love to return...

  4. Moments like that are stunning, in the sense that one almost wants to suspend time and just remain in the moment. And it happens when you are confronted with exceptional beauty. Thank you for that exquisite photo.

    PS No parcel yet.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    What a beautiful place! I love that beautiful flowering tree, and it is so kind of you to offer this gift to someone. I had to smile at your comments about Google+. That is exactly what my blog post for tomorrow will be about. :-)

  6. Hi, Lorrie. I haven't commented lately, but I'm still following all you post. That Google plus thing confounds the daylights out of me. I can't access those blogs either. I bet you'll have something to say about them soon!

  7. That tree shot is just beautiful and I do know that feeling you describe.
    It is a dream of mine to get to Butchart Gardens and your area someday. If I ever do make it there you can rest assured I will be fully present for the experience.
    After viewing your giveaway I had to double check that it was indeed April 25th and not December 25th. :D. My goodness what a generous and thoughtul giveaway.
    Google + is confusing to me. I'm all about simple when it comes to blogging.

  8. Those blossoms are so gorgeous Lorrie. What a blessing to be so near to the Butchart Garden and be able to go any time. It would be so beautiful seeing it in all the seasons. Your giveaway is awesome! Blessings, Pam

  9. Those blossoms couldn't be lovelier! Isn't it just so nice to have sunshine and beautiful blue skies this week? Now I'm thinking I may just need to slip over to Minter Gardens before the rains return.

    What a great give-away you have there!

  10. We share a mutual distrust of Google+ and so I have the same complaint. Please do toss my name into the cap. This is a sweet giveaway. I thought you had made the mug rugs, too. The needlebook is darling.

    That photo where you talked about aching? Now I'm pretty shoah (that was my American accent) that I'm aching, too. Simply heavenly!

  11. Oh Lorrie these beautiful photos are the epitome of Spring!
    I still remember that feeling when I saw my first cherry blossom in September last year - my heart and soul ached then too!
    You are so lucky having the world renowned Butchart Gardens on your doorstep.
    Goodness knows WHAT that conversation was about - it makes no sense at all!
    I had a look at Google+ recently and found it totally confusing, I'm happy with status quo thank you.
    A lovely giveaway too Lorrie - thank you.
    Shane ♥

  12. Hello Lorrie,

    Beautiful blooming trees! Can't to see the Sakura trees here in High Park, Toronto.
    I totally agree with you. People do not seem to see life without devices anymore...they take them everywhere.
    I am guilty as well because I take photos with my humble old/camera either for my albums or to use them in my projects.

    Regarding Google+ I read that they are working on that issue and hopefully things will go back to normal. Have Google+ {enjoying it} but haven't connected my blogger blog yet because of this. It's actually good that you haven't joined yet.


  13. Hi Lorrie,
    It has already been a couple of years since I was at Butchart Gardens . . . time surely does fly. I spent some time enjoying the blossoms in Bear Creek Park yesterday and such beauty as you have captured here is truly mesmerizing. The flowers in the second shot remind me of my wedding dress . . . so lovely.

  14. Your second shot reminds me of something is exquisite!

    that soul-ache is something to do with spring. I don't know why but I think that it occurs in all of us sometimes in spring...happiness and sorrow all at the same time / is that where the phrase spring fever came from ? I am not sure but I do know that feeling that you are referring to...perhaps it is in our DNA as humans because spring is so fleeting

  15. I have an annual pass too, Lorrie. We'll have to meet there for a walk one day.
    Like you, I am avoiding google +.
    I won't enter the draw because I will look forward to that walk together!
    I'm on Nanaimo today and tomorrow, enjoying the sunshine between work engagements. The harbour is just beautiful. Don't we live in a gorgeous province?

  16. You can add my name to the draw, I just love your little felt book. I wonder if I could make that. It looks like some fun handwork. I understand what you mean about beauty, you expressed it so well.

    Sometimes I have to catch myself at photographing the experience ... tho sometimes that is part of the experience, Other times I leave my camera at home on purpose!

  17. Oh the photos are so lovely - and yes - my soul aches with the beauty of spring - and summer. Wonder why that fella was so cranky - you'd think that he'd be happy among the flowers.

  18. Oh I adore that place! Got to see it way back in 1995 on a day trip from Seattle. How lucky that you live so close by! I would love to be entered in the giveaway! How kind of you!

  19. What a treat to get a peak at Butchart Gardens in the spring.! Thank you!

  20. No Google+ or anything other than what I already have for me!!! I just don't get all those other things for blogs - I like uncomplicated!!

    Wow, lucky you getting back to wow us with the gardens again. As I've told you before Lorrie, Butchart Gardens are my favorite - have visited twice, both times in Summer, and will go again when/if the chance comes. Tea in the gardens with you and whom ever would like to join us (definitely H from "Pondside" I hope!) would be fabulous wouldn't it?

    What adorable pretties in your generous giveaway - just lovely. Your mug mats and needle case are really nice - I've noticed how your work is always so neat and beautifully finished. Thank you for the chance to win.

    Prettiest blossoms - you really captured them perfectly. Something special about cherry blossoms - Mother Nature definitely did her very best to make them so gorgeous.

    Happy weekend dear -

  21. Hi Lorrie
    I love Butchart gardens when we visited a couple of years ago - to have an annual pass would be heaven. Your giveaway treats are wonderful, please throw my name in the hat.
    I'd like to hear more about your thoughts on Google + as I just signed up but not too sure about it.

  22. I signed to Google+ but I really don't like it that much, I think it's a bit like being public with Facebook and anyone can follow but they aren't that interested in your posts. When I get a moment I will actually take myself off of there as they keep mucking about with the 'no reply blogger' button.

    Your shots of the cherry tree blossom are gorgeous. I wish in a way that they weren't short lived and stayed like this all summer!

    Thanks for the tour.

    Chel x

  23. It would be nice indeed to visit these gardens and have tea and a chat !
    The cherry blossoms are breathtaking, so perfect and harmonious against the sky... I know what you're talking about.

  24. I would love to be a part of your drawing. I just got back into sewing so I would especially appreciate the sweet needle book you made. It's adorable. I would like to hear your thoughts about the Google+. I don't get it. :)

  25. Finally getting to visit Lorrie and I know it is going to be a treat. When wandering around gardens and any place for that matter I wonder if I'm missing out when taking lots of photos but then I think about just how much I can enjoy it all over again when looking at my photos. Yes wouldn't it be fun to all get together and spend an afternoon with you in a garden.

  26. Oh yes, I get that feeling... achingly beautiful. Stunning photos, Lorrie. Have a beautiful weekend!

  27. Oh I loved that blossom, so fleeting and your lovely photo captured it. I live right across the water from Victoria in Port Angeles, WA, so we share the same weather. I haven't been over in a couple of years but I always try to include a visit to the Gardens. However, the old knees will not let me walk around much these days and that's a shame. Thanks for sharing your visit.

    1. I should have included the email address I'm sure we have no one that will spam me in the group, lol

  28. What a beautiful surprise to come across this lovely blossom. I swear I can smell it! Spring is slow coming here in Ontario. You've given me the greatest gift of all,,,,,hope! Your trip to Buchart Gardens will get me through until there are blooms here! Thanks for the chance to win. m.j.mahoo at

  29. Beautiful!
    Spring is so late in the UK - we have very little blossom yet but I remain hopeful!
    I wish I could meet you at Butchart gardens - it looks a wonderful place!
    Thank you for a lovely giveaway!

  30. I am enjoying your pictures of Butchart gardens so much, and what a lovely giveaway!

  31. Oh how sweet of you! These are things we all love! What a beautiful place to visit! Sweet hugs!

  32. Hi Lorrie, This is a wonderful post, I could sit under that flowering tree for hours. I am enjoying your photos from Butchart gardens. Please put my name in the giveaway draw.

  33. Hi Lorrie, you will be picking the winner on my Sister's B day, and mine is just maybe that gives me a edge.

    What a lovely give away....

    While I am on Google+ I have dropped the connection to my blog through it...didn't like the way they showed my name, instead of my blog.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  34. Lorrie, I'd be glad to have my name added to the drawing for such a lovely collection of goodies! Thank you!

  35. Hey! Great giveaway! Yes, I totally get the feeling like you can't possibly absorb all the beauty! Poor couple........hope they ended up okay!!!

  36. I just love Butchart Gardens and those blossoms are amazing. What a lovely give away too. If you visit my post on Monday I announced a small give away too. Not as much as you are giving, but still you might like to sign up. Tea at Butchart is the very best.

  37. Boy, it's been ages since I've been to Buchard Gardens; maybe three years! It's so lovely there. I love the Christmas light display there. Van Dusen is beautiful here, and, when I'm England I always go visit Kew. What are we plant people like? :)


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

Friday Thoughts on Spring

  Trees still show their skeletal outlines, brown against blue sky and wispy clouds. Stems are swelling and I expect a burst of bright acid ...