Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Celebrating the Beginning

After church on Sunday a friend spoke with Tim, "We're thinking of having a few people over on New Year's Eve. I'll call and let you know." 

No call came, so yesterday I thought about what to make for dinner for the two of us. We'd build a fire, toast the New Year (perhaps early), watch a movie together and enjoy the quiet. 

At 2 pm the phone rang. "I thought I should let you know what time to come." 

A quick revision of plans was in order. I prepared an appetizer to take along, and at 7 pm we were out the door, dressed up for dinner with good friends. 

Such a good time. Chatting, eating, laughing. The New Year came in on a brighter note than I had anticipated. That's a good thing. Yesterday had me feeling rather melancholy as I thought about what I had accomplished in 2013 and wondered if I would be as unfocused in 2014. 

We got home at 1:30 am and I didn't sleep until 3 am. The tree is undecorated and most things are put away. It's been a slow day, with a nap in the middle followed by some time with Little Miss S while her parents went to see The Hobbit (part two). 

I sit now in front of a cozy fire. Things look a little austere - mantel, piano and tabletops are uncharacteristically bare. I'll be putting things back in the next day or two. No hurry. Symbolic of the new year, in a way. It waits empty, each day will be filled in time.

How was your first day of 2014?


  1. The first day of 2014 was wet and windy and very dismal here! However the second day has dawned a bit brighter and the rain has stopped so it's looking hopeful. Bit of a metaphor for life really some good some dreary but every day a gift to make with what you will!

  2. I'm doing my clearing bit by bit, Lorrie. It does seem a bit bare now!

  3. Our decorations are still up and it is making me restless but my grandgirls wont be with us to cekebrate until January 10! Happy new year! I'm hoping for lots of inspiration as I make plans for the year ahead.

  4. All the best to you for the new year Lorrie! Thanks for being a good blogging friend. I always enjoy new beginnings...a fresh page again....

  5. My Jan 1 sounds quite similar to yours! A slow start. And fighting a stubborn sinus infection. You have the gift to time to be slow as you bring your house back together for the new year. That word focus is a good one. I should be more focused this year; last year was very distracting in many ways!

  6. A slow start is a good end to a lovely season. Did you make the advent calendar hanging in your photo?


  7. Glad you were able to celebrate the new year with friends and I hope it is filled with wonderful adventures. Take care, Jen

  8. Our first day was pretty much a wash...
    Just sitting about enjoying the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl game...
    Glad you got that call in time and had a good evening!

  9. Here I sit in a blizzard very thankful for the cheer of the tree. Sometimes I can almost talk myself into keeping it as a winter tree. Almost, not quite. Next Tuesday will come soon enough. How nice to spend New Year's Eve with friends. Don't be too hard on yourself. You accomplish a great deal!

  10. We are now entering what we call our quiet time - reflections on the past - hopes for the future. Just quiet and relaxing now that the tree is down and things are back where they belong. The holiday food is all eaten or stored in the freezer for later when we might want a bit of a treat. Thank you notes are written, tag ends of things are finished up and tidied up and the new year is here. I love this quiet time - slow rides in the country, a cup of tea and a piece of toast, a good book, listening to the wind howl and the rain beat on the skylights - Happy New Year.

  11. How lovely to spend the evening with friends.
    I would love that. We spend each NY Eve
    at home, quiet and the TV on. This always
    saddens me. Now NY Day was spent with
    a few friends and family visiting, playing games,
    and eating chili and cornbread. A very special
    laid back day. Oh did I say I started the day
    with a massage given to me by my daughter,
    then found a wonderful Christmas sale at my
    favorite shop. I bought things for next Christmas,
    what a delight.
    Happy New Year to you!

  12. Hello Lorrie, so very nice stopping by to visit with you this evening as the snow is falling and we look forward to a snow day tomorrow. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and also seeing the sweet photos of your family in the previous post. I spent the last two days un-decorating and cleaning up after the holidays and actually enjoy the austere look of January. It feels fresh and clean to me. Sending wishes for a very Happy New Year!

  13. Sounds like a lovely evening. So glad you had a fun time. We kept it simple with special take-out chicken from a local restaurant, 2 bottles of bubbly, a tin of Poppycock and a movie. We watched the ball drop and had our kiss and waited for our texts from our girls. It was perfect. :) Happy New Year! Kit

  14. A clean slate! There is something mighty energizing about that. So glad that you had a wonderful evening with good cheer and celebration!

  15. So glad your evening with good friends happened dear!
    I think you gets tons done always.

    Love, Mary


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On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...