Sunday, January 12, 2014

Clear Sailing

Mr. Sun plays peek-a-boo these days. He shows up for just a few minutes or seconds, then slips away again. A week ago he lingered awhile. Bundled up with wind-proof warm coats, scarves and mittens, we took a bracing walk along the water.

Harsh crow caws contrast with wind-ruffled waves lapping against the rocks. Pink-tinged mainland mountains glow softly in the distance. 

White against blue, a sailboat motors past. 

With cheeks and nosy red from the chill wind, we turn back, anticipating wrapping our hands around mugs of steaming tea. Mr. Sun, please come back. We miss you.

Linking with Sunlit Sunday, hosted by Karen of My Little Home and Garden. 


  1. I always enjoy seeing your views of the mountains, Lorrie. The scenery is beautiful; it would be well worth getting bundled up in one's warm woolies to take a walk by the water and drink in the vista on a sunny day.

    Thank you for sharing gorgeous photos from your end of the country at Sunlit Sunday.


  2. Such beautiful captures, Lorrie! I'm feeling a little sunshine deprived...

  3. Hello from the Island on the other side of the country :) There are no boats in our waters unless they're the iceboat variety! We're locked in til spring. Love the rosy mountains in the distance.

  4. Boy, looks like a different world out there!

  5. I miss Mr Sun too! Wasn't the view of Mt Baker wonderful last Sunday? We were out on the Esquimalt spit, walking in wonder.

  6. That blue water is so lovely!

  7. The first photo is my favorite - the mountain - the crows - the water. It is perfect. I love some sun on a blustery winter day.

  8. The snow capped mountains in the background are gorgeous.

    We are expecting weather in the 80s this week so some kayaking is definitely in the picture this week.

  9. Stunning! It's worth waiting for isn't it?

  10. Beautiful view of the mountains across the water!

  11. Could have written the same for here. I love walking along the waterside and your photos so good I almost did.

  12. I have been thinking of making a summer post during these wintertimes too, I like your images a lot. They remind me of the simplicity of summer.

  13. Ah, those mountains in the background... beautiful!

    Good luck with "stretching" out of your comfort zone, Lorrie!

  14. If he shows up will you tell him I need to see him too?

    Gorgeous images, both written and photographed.


  15. Wouldn't it be nice?! Perhaps the next walk you take will be in the sun!

  16. "Mr. Sun" paid us a visit today and there are some rumors he'll be back a lot this week:) LOVED the photos!

  17. Gorgeous shots! I especially like the first one.

  18. Beautiful photos. I'm waiting for 'him' to come out more too.

  19. Mount Baker on a clear day is so impressive. Sunshine always lifts my spirits no matter what the temperature. the pillow on your header is lovely. Have a good week Lorrie!

  20. Stunning and invigorating views, Lorrie! How I'd love to visit your gorgeous Vancouver!!


  21. A little sunshine does wonders. Which beach were you on?


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