Thursday, January 16, 2014

Walking and Thinking

 Pale grasses rustle in the breeze. How welcome is the sun's warmth against my face. My camera swings from one cold hand, gloves forgotten. 

One corner of my mind looks out for photo possibilities, but most of my thoughts are taken up with pondering life. Curves in the path. Unknown future. Tangled branches.  My father told me once, many years ago, that he'd assumed that by the time he reached his mid-50s life would settle down into an even pattern. "No," he assured me, "life has twists and turns however long it may be."

A robin flies across my path and alights in a leafless tree. How beautiful his practiced flight. How jaunty his perch. He seems to have no thought of what-to-do, what-to-do, but instead does what comes next to simply survive. Does he revel in the sun's warmth? The bright blue above? 

I press on. Through the darkest part of the trail where a stream trickles or gushes under a wooden bridge. A little further and there, just where the trail comes to a T, I spy a hint of fresh green. An involuntary cry of delight -"oh Spring" - and I find more tiny leaf buds.  Hope rushes up. Winter blasts may lie ahead, but spring will come.

Sere grasses, serene water and placid ducks. Harmonies of colour and texture. Shadows enhance, rather than detract from the beauty. Shadow in the foreground, light in the distance. Trusting that God will lead, moment by moment. There's the hope.

Home again. Mind at rest, body relaxed. Tell me, where, and or when, do you do your best thinking?


  1. I do my best thinking whilst walking especially in the countryside where like you I notice the wonders of Nature along the route. Beautiful walk you shared with us. Like your father I thought that when I was elderly I would somehow be different calmer and with my route mapped out but it hasn't happened and I think that as your father said life has the same twists and turns and we don't really change we juyst become more ourselves whatever that may be for good or ill!

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Such a beautiful post with amazing photos today. When weather permits, I do my best thinking in nature.

  3. I can't walk right now (that is take long walks) with my knees but that is when I did my best thinking. I think your words sound rather poetic, Lorrie, and wow was your dad right about the 50s.

  4. Beautiful post....I do my best thinking in the shower!

  5. I do my best thinking while walking too - and I know that trail well. My 50's were full of twists and turns and I watch to see what my 60's will bring, with full confidence that the road will not have straightened much.

  6. Looks like you were out and about like Katie and me on Wednesday? It was nice being out on the trail with some sunshine and dryness. I enjoyed reading your thoughts. My best pondering happens in the shower and in the night watches...when I wake up at 2:00 and try to fall back to sleep.

  7. I do not know the answer to that. My worst is about three a.m. Lovely prose today. I enjoyed the read and the walk and the photos.

  8. I like to wonder through nature too. There is a distinct humble feeling that overcomes me, when deep in the woods. Just like you it makes me ponder life. I loved your little trip and the images and words that came out of it.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  9. My best time is when I am either walking in the fens or alone driving in the car. Such beautiful shots in your post today, as always! Xx

  10. Like you, I think while I walk, especially in nature. But when that doesn't pan out, there's always the bathtub.

  11. Walking in Nature and driving along the country roads, so peaceful over here.
    I really loved this post. Words, lights and shadows combined to perfection.
    Thanks so very much for your comment, Lorrie! :)
    Sending hugs,
    Monica xo

  12. Somehow walking and thinking belong to each other.
    Such a beautifully written post, Lorrie.

  13. It was nice to join you on your walk. When I'm out, there are gardens and plants to observe and not much thinking is happening. Honestly, my best time for ideas and inspiration comes during the morning shower. There have been times when I wished I had a notepad in there. :-)

  14. Oh, that was quite a lovely walk we took with you! I do some of my best thinking in the shower, LOL. Walking too. I used to be able to solve all of the world's problems when I mowed our (former) six acres).

  15. What lovely spring promises you found on your walk, Lorrie. I used to do my best thinking when I mowed the lawn but don't do that chore these days due to a bad rotator cuff. When I go walking I think and pray. It's nice way to get away from the mundane chores and the computer but, I haven't walked outdoors in ages. I've been wanting to go to the park to walk but it's been terribly icy. I'm longing for spring here. have a lovely weekend.

  16. A lovely walk - the photos are grand. I especially like the ducks - such contrast and good composition - and besides - it is just pretty to look at. I always watch for the Oso Berry Bushes to get their first shoots of green - the promise of spring in the winter.

  17. It's so good to see a promise of spring showing up this early...that's a green bud, oh my.


  18. Those were words of wisdom (or experience, or both) from your father. In a recent discussion with my husband, I said that by the time one is 53 years old, one should have things figured out. And then that statement seemed absurd because when does anyone ever get it all figured out? Life is a journey, and I think we are learning all the way to the end. I have been pondering a lot lately...

    Thanks for taking me on your walk.

    (By the way, I do my best thinking in the bathtub...or while driving...)

  19. Mystery path - what is behind the curve .

  20. Enjoyed sharing your walk here Lorrie - but I really need to get and do my own as we have quite good weather and I have no excuses, other than we're still clearing/cleaning the attic to get ready for some projects requiring work upstairs.
    Perhaps this weekend I'll throw on my walking clothing, grab a camera and do it! Plus it will give me more time to think - but sometimes I wonder if that's a good thing!!!!
    Happy days - Mary

  21. Beautiful post Lorrie.

  22. I have a big comfy chair in the living room, next to the window. I find curling up there and reading, with a small journal to note ideas, is a great spot for thinking. As well, fresh air and walking can get rid of the mental cobwebs; I found myself avoiding sidewalks yesterday as there were icy patches. I like your route!


  23. I think God has you and I on paths that look similar....and yesterday my walk reflected yours. I was so encouraged here this morning...thanks! Have a great day!

  24. Beautiful photos and reflections Lorrie. Answer: when I am out in nature, when I am washing dishes and at night--sometimes the latter is not so fun.


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