Sunday, January 19, 2014

Crow on a Roof

A photo taken on Thursday, a blue-sky day. I compare the photo to the sky outside my window now and wonder at the difference. Today, nothing but grey. I like the lines in the photo, the contrasts and strong colour. Taken without much thought and unedited, this photo is one I've returned to look at again and again.

Linking to Sunlit Sunday, hosted by Karen of My Little House and Garden.


  1. I agree it's a great photo Lorrie - I see shadows too - I wonder if Donna will notice them! LOL
    What a magnificently clear blue sky - I can imagine it was brisk too!


  2. And such a blue, blue sky it is...did you use a polarizing filter?


  3. Oh to see that blue sky on a weekend day! The crow has a great vantage point.

  4. Crows, all to common over here and we have lots nesting in the trees near where I work. Thanks for dropping by my blog, come back anytime

  5. The color contrast (blue versus red) and the angular lines makes it a compelling composition! It is a very nice "simplicity" type of photo!

  6. He certainly found the peak!

  7. You have actually made me like a photo with a detested CROW in it! Really, it's striking and well worth sharing. Thank you!

  8. If your crow is similar to the ones we have around our place, I can just hear the bossy "caws" coming from the rooftop. Nice composition, textures, and especially vibrant colors! Smiles...Susan

  9. I like this photo very much. Light, colour contrast, strong simple elements. . . It's powerful

  10. What a sky! The crow seems to be lording it over the rest of the world from that particular perch. It's interesting to see all of the straight lines in the building contrasted with the curved ones of the crow's body.

    Thank you for bringing your feathered friend to Sunlit Sunday, Lorrie.


  11. Now this is funny because I had some crows around today ( long story ) but here you are with your crow! Love it! :)

  12. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Very nice picture. We've had a few days with very blue skies. Mostly, we've had RAIN!!!

  13. The blue is so vibrant! We've had lots of sunny days, warm temps and our snow is melting like crazy but our sky is not that blue!!

  14. I like the lines of the crow and the roofline together. The blue sky is gorgeous and the red building makes a nice contrast. I hope you have more sun soon.

  15. Wonderful composition, simplicity, bold colors...I like it, too.

  16. Love the colour contrast of the black crow against the solid blue sky, both in equal amounts of pigment. The lines, (I count 5 different groups), if you stare for a few seconds at their composition, seem to change position and direction, and depth!


  17. Beautiful. So many different ways to see it... no wonder you return to it again and again!

  18. The crow looks handsome against that gorgeous blue sky!

  19. Beautiful blue--that looks like our "carolina blue" skies.

  20. I love crows - and this is a great picture of one. I like the wood and sky and crow contrast - great shot!!

  21. I love crows - and this is a great picture of one. I like the wood and sky and crow contrast - great shot!!

  22. I am amazed how often the sky is a deep blue like this here in Colorado, Lorrie. We usually had grey skies all winter when i lived in NYC. It makes a difference n how one feels--the blue sky makes me happier!

  23. Beautiful blue sky! I hope it returns to you soon! Love the crow........ love the lines....

  24. You captured the crow against the blue sky just beautifully! We have been enjoying those sunny skies over here since Wednesday. Love it!

  25. Nice strong colours and a very accommodating crow to hold still for you.

  26. Great photo...I love the blue sky!
    Helen x

  27. That blue sky is brilliant! I like natural photos and never bother with editing. A photographer once told me that you shouldn't have to edit photos. They are either good or they aren't. It's more about the composition I think. The crow photo is lovely. Best wishes, Tammy

  28. Oh that blue is beautiful! We have thick fog, so lucky if we can see outside our windows at the moment. xx

  29. Love the photo, but those pesky crows. They do hover at my back door and scare other birds away.


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