Friday, January 10, 2014

Shadow Shots

Shadows have been in short supply around here. Our days are mostly grey and dull, with little contrast. But here, on a sunny walk with Tim, our shadows are clearly delineated. Don't we look odd? As if we were on stilts. 

One morning as the sun beamed happily through my dirty large living room window, I noticed the shadow created by the ivy plant. 

On our August 2012 trip to Alberta, most of the photos I took of the mountains were covered with haze from forest fires. On the day we left, early in the morning, the haze cleared and the mountains were clear. I snapped this from the car as we zoomed by.

Donna's photo challenge this month was to capture shadows. It was a challenge. I experimented with shutter speed rather than f-stops and I think I like working with my camera that way better. There's lots more to learn. Post processing included bumping up the contrast a little on the first and third photos, while the second photo has a longer shutter speed. Thanks to Donna for hosting.


  1. I like your shadowy figures Lorrie. I took one of our dog one day and he looked like a monster. :) The mountain shot is gorgeous. This challenge was a fun one.

  2. Love the shadows laying like blankets on the mountain slopes. I do like your shadows shots, too. I like your husband's hat! It was really difficult to find a sunny day here, too.

  3. These are lovely and it doesn't seem like you had any trouble at all with the challenge. I adore people silhouettes like the first one, and was hoping that someone would feature a shot just like this! When the sky is low on the horizon, the shadows elongate, and our shadow selves get decidedly skinnier. The shadows on the plant pot help to echo the shape of the pretty ivy leaves. And the shadows in the trees on the last photo give more depth and texture to the landscape frame. Good job, and keep playing with that camera to see what works for you!

  4. The landscape is fantastic. Perfect shadows!

  5. Your own shadow shots are fun elongated and it does look like you're both on stilts. The shadows created over the mountain are awesome.

  6. Maybe that shadow shot is what they mean by lengthening shadows ( :-) ) But a good capture. I suppose soon after noon you'd be quite a short couple! The plant is nice too, and just cheery to view, while I am always so in awe of the shadows displayed in God's handiwork of the amazing mountain ranges! BTW I sent you that fam. blog link in case you are ever in contact with your friends you might forward it to them!

  7. Very nice! Your first photo is so light hearted; made me smile. Beautiful crisp shadows from the ivy plant.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow! That shadows on the mountains are awesome! And I love the two of you, this would make a sweet Valentine!

  10. Lovely shadow shots!

  11. Super shadow shot of you two - one of the best I've seen, almost gives a cartoonish feel to the photo Lorrie, The mountain scenery is awesome - background colors remind me of a Maxwell Parrish painting somewhat.
    Have a fabulous weekend dear - hope the sun shines your way - we are having a lot of rain and possible storms tomorrow.

    Hugs - Mary

  12. I like all three. The silhouettes are really cool. The mountain stunning but my fav is the simple little plant hanging out in the sun.

  13. Love the first shot, well done...enjoy your day!

  14. Your shadows are so funny!! You do look like you are on stilts! Great shots as always!

  15. Love the long leg shadows. Oh the mountains are gorgeous and the such a homey picture. Loved them all.

  16. These are great Lorrie - I especially love the silhouettes of you and your husband!
    It was a great challenge.

  17. I like the first one best! Great job.

  18. Really lovely. My children just loved the first one!

  19. Shadow figures are fun. I like to take them and then fantasize about having really long legs, for real!!

  20. All three photos have such a warm feel to them. The bonus is the gorgeous shadows!

  21. The shadow shots turned out beautifully and the mountain view is magnificent!

  22. I love the shadow of your walk! Great shadow shots!

  23. Your shadows on stilts are great - what perspective! And isn't is neat how light and shadows transform something so ordinary, like your ivy in a white pot, into something art-worthy. I live in the mountains, so I appreciate all the shadows in the last shot. I see them every day and never grow tired of them. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Great photos........shutter speeds, F Stops, etc! I used to understand all that stuff....... now I've gotten lazy! Glad you had some sun!

  25. Great photos! You are right...sunshine and shadows have been in short supple the last few days.

  26. Love your shadows! Especially the mountains shot...Beautiful country up there!! Gorgeous photo....

  27. The picture of Alberta landscape is breathtaking. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog. I appreciate it.

  28. Beautiful and different from ours by the shapes.


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