Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Restless. It's that time of year. The anticipating and celebrating and tidying away of Christmas is past. I always feel restless at this time of year. I want to take a trip, go somewhere warm, see something different. 

I flit from project to project, puttering away, completing little. As Susan Branch said on her blog recently, her rule is to "start slow and taper off." I think I'm mostly tapering off now. There are things I simply must do, but the hours tick by and somehow, I've spent them daydreaming or staring out the window. Little by little, I tell myself. 

I did brave the frosty morning to capture the white beauty of snowdrops in my garden. I do love their tightly closed buds and their indomitable blooming in January. My patch is small, and I have not had success in moving any of the bulbs. Maybe I do it at the wrong time of year. Does anyone know? 

Back to doing something I should be doing. Are any of you feeling restless? Do tell how you cope.



  1. Oh dear. I've just come from the "doldrums" to "restless." Yes, it's the season. Gets us every year eventually. We're in for over a week of nasty cold and snow. I'm tired of it already and we have months left. Months. I know nothing of snowdrops except they're cute and I like them.

  2. Yes, so restless. I long to go on long walks and have just a piece of sunshine to brighten the day. I feel guilty staying in at the weekend when it is MY time. I am managing to cope by making one of my endless lists of things to decorate around the house, seeds to buy for the greenhouse and places to go in the summer. Then a good old black and white film with tea and chocolate. Coping is hard but dreaming gets us through.

    It is lovely to see the snowdrops and we have them here too along with aconites, so a spring time splash of colour is very welcoming. xx

  3. Lovely post - it says just what we are all feeling just now! Re the snowdrops I believe, although I am no gardener, that they should be divided and planted in the green - check out snowdrops + in the green on Google and you will find several websites that speak about planting and dividing them.

  4. I am loving your snowdrops. I've planted them before and they disappear, maybe the squirrels take them to someone else's yard. I have moved bulbs while in flower, making sure to get enough soil around the roots and not disturbing them too much when replanting.

  5. Your snowdrops are lovely. Every year I say I will plant them and then promptly forget to do it at the right time. Maybe this year??
    I have been feeling a bit off and couldn't quite put my finger on it. Restless seems to describe it very well. Perhaps it is a common thing once the busy demands of the holiday season have been met. I think the best solution for me is to divide the day between work and pleasurable activities. I also find that if I take a walk I seem to have a better attitude and more energy. Although I will admit some days I have to force myself to get out there.

  6. Yes, feeling a little off here too. There are so many things that I want to do but when it comes to it, I can't get myself started. I'm tired of wearing coats.

  7. This winter, I am restless. I am such a homebody that I do not mind winter so much. (Of course, here in Maryland we do not have severe winters.) I usually hunker down and enjoy the home-being and more uninterrupted days of homeschool. But this winter....sigh. Dealing with family stuff and my aunt's estate and sobering thoughts and grieving her loss...all combine to make winter quite dreary. All a part of life, and I hope to learn valuable lessons as I walk this path.

    I will be checking back to see others' coping suggestions. :)

  8. Maybe that's what I'm feeling. I sure do feel like I'm spinning wheels some days and not getting much done But then I find excuses as to why. I know many say January is a doledrum month, but I always think I'm going to like some quiet. Maybe you should throw another dinner party---something like chili or a soup party. :-)

  9. Snowdrops have a mind of their own. Best to move them 'in the green'.
    I could just get on the nearest plane right now and take a sunshine trip...very restless. It must be the January fidgets.

  10. Your snowdrop photo is beautiful, Lorrie. How sweet to know you have these growing and blooming already. I like Vee's comment and could say 'ditto' to the weather part of it and the doldrums. Winter this year has been severe and it's only one month into it! I have no solution other than to stay busy and stay warm.

  11. Sigh...those snowdrops are so lovely...

  12. I think we are all antsy for spring weather. We get the affliction as soon as the Christmas decorations get put away. I keep myself super-busy this time of year so that I don't dwell on it. I love your snowdrop photo, BTW! We have a few daffodil blades that are edging up through the mulch, and it's always exciting to see them come alive.

  13. I get restless when the weather is gray (overcast, rainy or foggy) and do a lot better when sunlight is streaming through my windows and there are blue skies over my head. But, like my mother before me, I always get restless if it has been awhile since I've traveled somewhere...not necessarily far, but somewhere beautiful.
    Your snowdrops photo is gorgeous!
    Blessings + sunny thoughts your way,

  14. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Hi, Your snowdrops are so very beautiful. I've never had any in my garden. I have plenty of work to do indoors, but I admit I am restless.....waiting on spring!

  15. Your snowdrops make me smile. I always want them in the garden, but don't have any there.
    I get to about this time of January and I already start to panic that the first month is almost over and I am just beginning the year. I have some ornaments I meant to make for gifts at Christmas and determined to make them in January, yet I haven't done it yet. I must begin tomorrow.

  16. Yes, I am feeling very restless and no venturing outdoors at the temperature today was -25C. I wonder from window to window watching nothing.

    I transplant my snowdrops after they finishing flowering in every early spring. But for you I would wait until they are justing starting to turn to seed. Good luck. Jen

  17. No, not restless really but I was sure ready to get out of the house for a bit last weekend. Always a homebody but sometimes it's good to get out. I hope you get an outing or whatever you need to ease this feeling. Maybe seed catalogs or a trip to the fabric store for you???

  18. Those snowdrops are just beautiful. I don't know that I have ever seen any snowdrops before.

    I laughed when you said you wanted to get away to somewhere warm. We are doing the opposite and heading to where it is cold - Utah for skiing. Get yourself to California on Thursday and you can stay in our little beach cottage through Sunday night.

  19. I'm pretty content at the moment, Lorrie, but I usually end up getting restless before spring finally arrives. I would love to go somewhere, as well, just to get a change of scenery. I'm coping right now by continuing to work at de-cluttering each room in our house, and by getting things more organized. I also enjoy reading this time of the year.

    Thanks for sharing your photo of the snowdrops with us!! I love snowdrops; I found a place where they bloom in a public garden near where we live. I'll have to go over there soon to see if they're up yet. :) I hope you have a good week, Lorrie, and maybe some cheering sunlight, too.

    Big hugs,

    Denise at Forest Manor

  20. It's such a treat, at this time of year, to round a corner to see a swathe of snowdrops. There's a yard on Carey Road, near the intersection with Marigold, that has a very large, very old patch - gorgeous!
    I am not feeling restless right now - more like frantic. I have two sets of family/guests coming to stay and work is ramping up in anticipation of the end of the fiscal year. I long for down time, or time to just stand and breath. I am SO looking forward to our tea party!

  21. I feel lazy these days , want go to sleep like bear . Here's not very much snow yet . Wait ...

  22. What pretty little flowers - I've only had them in one place that we lived - and then only a few of them - I've seen, though, some houses with hundreds. Very lovely photo. I read that quote just today - and it seems apt for me too - start slow and taper off - I've got the restlessness too - maybe tomorrow I'll make a serious list and get something accomplished.

  23. How do I cope with restlessness? Engaging in superbly relaxing activities like viewing your snowdrops and sighing. How lovely! Often on January days, yes, starting slowing and tapering off are called for.

  24. Lorri, those snowdrops are sweet. What a joy to see at this time of year. My SIL enjoys her Victoria garden too..she said the other day crocuses were peeking out. Nothing peeking out around here in Alberta. Although the weather has been fine.

    No, not restless...in fact, I am eagerly gathering my notes for the next segment in my memoir journey. I enrolled for a 2nd class this January, but it was cancelled for low enrollment. The neat thing is that I could choose a refund on tuition or roll it into some private instruction with my instructor. I chose the private instruction. I look forward to working one on one with Lisa Dale Norton.

    I like your idea of being on a holiday somewhere to see something new at this time of year. I think that would nicely deal with any restlessness going on. Maybe you can do a mini holiday somewhere. Check into Sooke Harbour Inn for a weekend. That would be perfect in my estimation.

    Wishing you grace....

  25. Restless and vague anxiety usually is a sign to me that I need to pray...something is afoot.
    I am totally unwound after our vacation; Mexico always puts in into a "manana" spirit, that is to say not "tomorrow" but rather not today and maybe not tomorrow either! Little is getting done and I am OK with that for at least another week.

  26. It sounds like we all have similar feelings about the time of year. I feel there is finally time to rest.. but then I feel bad the I'm not busy and maybe wasting time.
    Your snowdrops are so pretty. They remind me of lilly of the valley.

  27. Hi Lorrie,
    You'll make your way through this season, one day at a time. I am a little restless too, but I don't think it has much to do with the weather. It's about transitions for me and feeling comfortable in my niche. I must not be busy enough, because I seem to be casting about for something that really challenges me, and looking back I think that is when I am happiest. But like Paul, I must realize that contentment is an actual discipline, not just something you wish for. Still working on understanding that.
    The only thing I know about snowdrops is that snow just keeps dropping out of the sky. For now, anyway....

  28. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Hello Lorrie! I'm feeling restless too but it's January. Spring will come soon enough and I'll be busy outside so I'll just take this time to relax. Your snowdrops are pretty, what a beautiful white. I haven't tried to transplant any of mine, they spread here on their own. Maybe wait until they finish flowering and before they are gone for the year?

  29. I understand restlessness and have been dreaming of a vacation too. I almost was convinced to book a flight and buy a book of "Tourist in My Hometown" coupons, but then decided to plan a trip "home" later in your springtime. You should do that…for just ten dollars you will have a weekend of great things to do at bargain prices. It would be almost like going on a holiday.

  30. Hi Lorrie,

    Now THESE snowdrops are cute, not cold, and capture one's heart! How lovely they are, so delicate and 'shy', not wanting to cause a stir, (as there is enough 'stir' craziness going on indoors, I'm sure, for many of us!). Although we have mountains, they are not mountains of snow, and even though our temps are range from the mid teens to early twenties, the post holiday blahs are in the air, and that can be cause for restlessness, as well!



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On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...