Saturday, November 14, 2015

Be Kind

Thinking of and praying for the people of France today. Such a broken, broken world. 

Yet, there is goodness.

Paris, 2009. My mother, my sister and I headed for the train station via the Metro. Going down the many stairs to the subway was a challenge with our luggage. A young Frenchman ran quickly down the stairs past us. At the bottom he stopped, turned around, ran back up, grabbed my mother's suitcase and took it all the way down for her. 

There are wonderful and beautiful things to see and do in Paris. But, this unexpected kindness from a complete stranger will be one of my most enduring memories of that beautiful city.

Be kind to each other.   


  1. I love Paris - we had our honeymoon there in 1972 and have visited often sine. There is still good in the world - we must keep hold of this and not allow such awful things to diminish hope that one day the world will be as it should sans guerre, sans terroristes, sans ....!

  2. Such sadness in our world today. Thank you for sharing, Lorrie.

  3. So sad that this is happening in our world! Praying for the people affected and for safety in our world.

  4. What a lovely memory to have. I have faith that the spirit of the French people will be strong while mourning their loss.

  5. What a beautiful remembrance of a beautiful city, thanks so much for sharing it Lorrie. The horror and brutality of what happened in Paris is beyond comprehension. Sending up prayers for all of those effected #noussommesparis Deb xo

  6. there is no other city as beautiful as Paris and having it devastated in this way is incomprehensible. The brutality of man never fails to amaze me but as you said there is also kindness. We can only hope that eventually kindness wins out.

  7. The happy times that we have spent in Paris came to my mind today. It's hard to realise that sometimes one is only a breath away from terror and tragedy. This hatred is so very sad.

  8. My son has been to France three times and to Paris twice. My aunt just flew back from Paris last night to Florida. She was holidaying with her family over there. Thank goodness they got out in time! Such a sad time we live in. I am glad you have such lovely memories of that beautiful city. I join many thousands of others who are praying.

  9. That is a good story to hear...
    Good and evil are in this world and it's good to hear about the good since our news always seems to concentrate on the evil...

  10. What a sweet gesture! No wonder the memory remains.

  11. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Lorrie, thank you for reminding us of the kindness of strangers. There is good in the world. Sometimes it doesn't feel that way especially after events like Paris.

  12. A fond memory of Paris for you, I'd like to think a kind Canadian would do the same for visitors in our country.

  13. Such a sad day for our world - yes, indeed we do need more kindness. I think that the comments by some are unnecessary at a time like this - we don't need to fight over our opinions - we need to mourn the sadness that causes people to act like this - and mourn the results - and reach out to know each other better and find common ground. Love is the only thing that turns hate around.

  14. I will be praying for Paris too, Lorrie. How wonderful that your memories of Paris are good ones.

  15. What a lovely story! It is indeed a hard world and people are in need of kindness. Thank you for sharing your memory.

  16. I watched things unfold on the news and realized that yes there were people running and panicking, but there was also true kindness with so many HELPING, putting their own fears aside and opening their doors to bring people into safety. Times like these show real humanity and strength, something that these extremists should realize.

  17. Belgium pray also Paris .

    Greeting from Mons my city in Belgium, blog

  18. I don't know what to say about Paris, so sad and so terrible. xx

  19. It is just those kind of experiences when traveling that remain in our hearts.

  20. What a wonderful memory that young man created for you, Lorrie. Blessings- this was a wonderful post. xo Diana

  21. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Amen. We visited the year before you and had a wonderful time. This current foe who rails against our way of life is a tough one to overcome. Prayers that we can leave a peaceful world for our children and grandchildren.

  22. Love he picture you described. May the people affected by this week's tragedy find
    unexpected kindness shown to them as they grieve and be strengthened by the many prayers going up for them around the world.


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