Sunday, November 08, 2015

November on the Water

The Skipper has been wanting to take the boat out one more time so he could change the oil before winter. Today was the day. Late morning we, along with two friends, launch and set our course for Salt Spring Island. 

Not many pleasure craft dot the water so late in the season, but a number of ferries, a couple of sail boats, and one Coast Guard vessel move through the steel-colored water. 

A bit of colour remains, but soon bare branches will stand against the evergreens. 

A derelict boat turns quietly at anchor. Calm water today belies the rain and wind of Saturday. 

Off in the distance St. Paul's Catholic Church is a reminder of the Kanaka (Hawaiian) settlers who built the church in 1880. It's the oldest building on the island. 

We tie up at the dock, take a short walk, and eat lunch at the Rock Salt Restaurant. I enjoy a huge bowl of steamed mussels with garlic bread. Other plates at the table include grilled salmon, a roasted yam quesadilla, and a chicken burger with borscht. All very yummy.  

The sun makes a brief appearance as we head toward home. The light soon disappears behind the mountains. 

In Page Passage one fat seal balances on a rock while shorebirds (I'm guessing they are Clark's Grebes) pay little attention.

The last bit of colour fades as twilight creeps quickly across land and water, creating instead a monochromatic landscape of blues and greys. 

Linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage. 


  1. Lovely day, lovely photos. . .

  2. Amazing!! When we were there just a few weeks ago, the colors were so bright. Still beautiful but fading a bit. Thanks for sharing!

  3. You are better than a travel show! It's still hard for me to imagine the gift of actually living where you do and being close to such amazing sights of nature. It is kind of sad saying goodbye to the beauties of autumn, isn't it? It lasts such a short time. Making it very special.

  4. Great trip - the weather seems perfect for it. I love the photo of the derelict boat - I always wonder at what point people stopped taking care of the boat. Everything is simply beautiful - love that fat seal balancing on the rock.

  5. So evocative. Lovely to have one last trip.

  6. Lovely glimpses of one of my favourite places in the world.

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, Lorrie!

  7. Serene colors, calm waters. The light is so different with the sun so low.

  8. Absolutely stunning images...what a magical place and day :)

  9. Beautiful! I loved seeing the little church and the sea wild life always enchants me. The water does look so calm before new storms to come. How wonderful to get out on the water one more time.

  10. Lovely boat trip for the last one of the season. We really must visit Salt Spring the next time we are visiting our family in Sooke.

  11. Such beautiful scenery...we are so fortunate to live where we do.
    One last boat trip for the nice that the weather was conducive to a relaxing cruise.

  12. Love your post today Lorrie and great photos.
    That's the beauty of a boat, getting to places where cars can't!
    Sadly, our boat won't be ready for this Summer - hopefully it will be back in the water for Easter. That will be the start of our Autumn so the weather could be like yours today or on the other hand it could be wonderful late Summer weather!

  13. I sense a chill in the air but maybe it was still warm. It's finally gotten a bit colder here. I love the pictures with the reflections on the water, especially the little church. Nicely done and spring will be here before you know it, so out will come the boat!

  14. Your photos always take my breath away and when I leave your blog, my soul and mind are refreshed
    Happy Monday!

  15. It looks so different when seen from a boat. I love the reflections and that moody sky. Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  16. How nice to join you on your boat trip, such beautiful scenery. You captured so much, fantastic reflections I just loved seeing that seal . and lucky for you good weather.

  17. It looks like a beautiful day to be out on the water! xx

  18. These are beautiful images Lorrie. I have visited Salt Spring Is. a couple of times. Once we picked up a hitchhiker off the ferry in exchange for a tour of the island with him. It was so impromptu and he was a wealth of information making our visit even more special. Love the restaurants & shops there too. I believe my old art teacher from high school now lives there (or so my brother told me)! Looks like you had a perfect day for the last boating of the season.

  19. Such beautiful sights you saw on this last boating trip of the season! The tinges of autumn color are gorgeous against the grays and blues!

  20. I enjoyed my boat ride with you, Lorrie! I would have also ordered the big bowl of mussels in broth--mmmm. I love the view of the old church and I;m fascinated that Hawaiians built it!

    Autumn lasted long here this year as we've had warmer than usual weather, but we may get our first snowfall in a few days. I'm ready for it!

  21. What a wonderful day, Lorrie...the photos are breathtaking and your fare at the restaurant makes me want to head to a coast---any coast!!!

    May I ask what sort/size boat you have? The water looks choppy and I can't imagine our boat managing this. Do you have a place to take cover from the wind and cold?

    Took a peek at your last post. Your late bloomers are so pretty! :)

    Jane x

  22. What a lovely and very peaceful collection of photos! I am especially fond of the little historical church (I LOVE old churches) and the beautiful fall colors and reflections.
    Blessings, Aimee

  23. How nice to be able to take the boat out one more time, Lorrie! I enjoy seeng the photos of the beautiful area in which you live.
    As for your last post and how to get through a dull day...a cup of tea, candles and a warm bath help me out!

  24. One last trip...that was us with hubby's corvette before he put it away for winter. The lunches all sounded delicious and I'm sure the company and conversation were nice.

  25. Great shots, Lorrie! Rock Salt Restaurant's menu made my mouth water (hee!).


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