Thursday, November 19, 2015

Frosty outdoors, Cozy indoors

It's my first week-day morning at home in at least a month. The 8:30 a.m. class I've been teaching has been turned over to the regular teacher and I'm back to my usual afternoons. It's delightful. 

Yesterday morning was frosty. Before dashing to school, I zipped out to the garden with my camera. Rosebuds shiver, but still stand straight and pretty. 

The fig leaves have all dropped. The late crop of tiny figs is still on the tree, but they will soon fall, too, unable to flourish in these conditions. We rarely get to enjoy the second crop here.

I mentioned bathroom renos in my last post. We still haven't chosen the tile, but I did get something done. I had two of my photos printed onto canvas. These are 9 inch canvases because our ensuite is very small, and they fit perfectly. The shadows are awful, but that's the weather these days. When the work is complete, I'll show before and after photos of the rooms. But don't hold your breath. It might be awhile. I'm just glad everything is functional. 

I've been puttering away at some Christmas projects. These silk, beaded hearts are one of them. I have so many sewing supplies and am trying to use what I have. The beads and silk are leftovers from weddings. The hardest part of this project was threading the beading needle. Wow! That eye seems to have shrunk since the last time I beaded! All that's left is attaching thread loops for hangers. For that I can use a regular needle.

There are other projects in the works. I'm enjoying the handwork while sitting by a cozy fire with a cup of tea beside me. Time to get back to the stitching.

Are you working on any seasonal projects? 


  1. That frosty rose is so pretty. Sitting by the fire with a relaxing project sounds real good...

  2. How lovely to have a frost - it continues very mild and unseasonal here and we could do with a nice white frost to kill off a few of the bugs and germs! Love the rose how brave and those pretty hearts are lovely too.

  3. The few last roses are here too, but so far we don't have frost.
    I look forward to seeing the finished hearts, they look so pretty.

  4. Love your rose, it's so pretty but your little silk beaded hearts are so sweet and lovely.
    Karen B. ~ Todolwen

  5. Those are great pictures that you used in your bathroom! Nothing better than some of your own it!!

  6. I like how you put your pictures on to canvas. They make a nice pair. I can imagine you might be enjoying a morning at home. It's my favorite time to be home.

  7. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Lorrie, I got a chill just looking at your frosty pictures. Brrr!

    Love your sparkly hearts. So pretty! I'm still working on baby shoes. After those and a little hat, I will start on Christmas.

    Have a lovely evening!

  8. How good it must be to get back to your regular schedule. A relaxing morning before a busy afternoon sounds lovely. I promise not to get pushy about the bathroom project. You don't need a 4000 mile whip. =D Very cool to use your own photography as it is so fine. Enjoy your mornings...

  9. I love the frosty photos. I guess you have to catch them at just the right time for a perfect photo. I finished a dollie outfit today but I'd like to do some other sewing and holiday crafting. I love your hearts! Hugs, Diane

  10. Those frosty pictures remind me of the beautiful winter UK magazines where every issue had a frosted beautiful garden. I asked my husband why we don't get that look outside here when we have frosts and he said it was because they have ocean air coming in. And you are near water too, aren't you? Maybe that's why.

    I'm glad your teaching schedule is allowing you time to work on some Christmas projects. The beaded work is lovely, and I love the canvas prints you had made of some of your lovely photography!

  11. Your photos are super - these frosty mornings are certainly pretty though. My grandson and I are going to make soaps for christmas gifts and I'm thinking of knitting a scarf or two. Love the beaded hearts.

  12. Lovely rose bud, I hope it will still have the strength to open after the frost, if not maybe you can try to dry it.
    such pretty hearts you are making, I don't think my eyes would be able to see the holes in those tiny pearl beads.

  13. Beautiful canvas prints ! I have never tried looks so hard and tedious...and yet how lovely these hearts are! :)

  14. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I've been making holiday pillow covers, table toppers, and placemats for gifts. They are all in various stages of completion, but it keeps me busy on these dreary late fall days. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has noticed a shrinking of the needle eye when needing to thread it. :-)

  15. I love that you used your photos in your new(ish) bathroom! A personal touch is so welcome in decorating. Your photography is excellent, so I can't imagine a better source for wall art! (Speaking of which...the frosty photo in this post is gorgeous!)

    Enjoy your mornings! Sometimes doing without a thing causes us to appreciate it even more when we have it again.

  16. How nice to have your mornings back.
    I hope we get to see the finished room. Your photos are always so lovely. What a great idea to have them made into canvases.
    Your beaded hearts are so pretty.

  17. No frosty mornings yet BUT we may get one soon according to the weather guys!
    Love the rose pic - that would also be great blown up on a canvas.

    The small ones are beautiful for the bathroom - I actually have framed some of my Africa pix for mine - elephants and a leopard - I changed them to black and white and put them in nickel silver frames to complement the bathroom hardware. We should use our own photos on walls - it's always a good feeling when looking at them and recalling memories of special places, don't you agree?

    Glad you are also finding time to sew - you always make such lovely things with your needle! Yes, threading needles has become very hard for me too, LOL!

    Thanks for your gentle and special comments on my recent Paris posts Lorrie - I have been so upset over what has happened this past week.

    Hugs for the weekend ahead.
    Mary x

  18. The frost on the rose and fig leaves is very pretty. I'm surprised you had frost after all the rain you've had there. I like your prints on canvas. Oh the beadwork looks so pretty on that lovely fabric. I know I wouldn't be able to thread the needle!! Enjoy the weekend.

  19. Wonderful frosty photos! Your canvas prints are very beautiful as well and add a lovely touch of seaside to your bathroom.
    Needle eyes and many other things are constantly becoming smaller. (Strange!) I'm knitting very simple socks for Christmas and after that I hope to have time for more challenging projects.
    Have a lovely and cosy weekend!

  20. Ooh...I love those frosty photos. We haven't had much frost here yet but this weekend will change that! No project going on currently, although there should be. I do plan to make some fire starters that I saw on Pinterest...easy peasy :) Have a fabulous weekend!

  21. I love homemade gifts. How great to have time, in the mornings, to work on creative things.

    Using your own photos is a great idea. You are a wonderful photographer!


  22. Such lovely photos. And projects on the go. Pretty hearts.

    Wishing you a cozy and delightful weekend, Lori.

  23. Those are sweet little canvases and I LOVE those silk hearts with the beads on them. They are just beautiful. xo Diana

  24. I had to giggle about your comment on the shrinking eye of your needle! Just this morning I was telling my dear SIL that there was no way I could repair my granddaughter's leggings because I couldn't thread the sewing needle to do so:)Love your silk hearts and your frosty photos--have a feeling we may see our first frost this week.

  25. Merci beaucoup pour tes pensées, prières et gros câlin à distance. En ces temps si troublés, ça m'a fait du bien. Je suis toujours complètement bouleversée et j'ai beaucoup de peine pour toutes les victimes et pour le petit garçon qui est mort pas loin de chez nous, et pour celui qui lui a donné la mort, sans le vouloir (c'était un horrible accident). En ce moment, je profite aussi de mon "cozy indoors" le plus possible, avec ma famille que j'aime.
    Merci de ton soutien et de ta fidélité.

  26. Lovely photos, Lorrie! Nice that you put a couple on canvas. My current project, still in the planning stages, is a little bedroom renovation. Unfortunately, years ago I wallpapered two of the walls; now the dreaded day has come when I need to remove it! Any suggestions?

  27. It is amazing to me to still see any garden photos this time of year - everything is covered in snow here!

    I love your silk, beaded hearts Lorrie. And I know exactly what you mean about threading the needle! :)

    Enjoy creating.
    Much love,

  28. I don’t know but every time I come here there are new achievements to admire; I am sure I have mentioned the green-eyed monster before; why can’t I be as creatively productive as you?

    Actually, my eyesight is worse than yours, I even find it difficult to thread an ordinary needle for putting buttons back so perhaps I must forgive myself for no longer making pretty things. Your beaded hearts are delightful.

  29. The hearts are elegant and it certainly feels good to use what you have doesn't it? Yay for you for getting a couple of your photos printed! That is always on my list and I only have a few...


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