Tuesday, November 10, 2015

We Will Remember Them

At the 11th hour,
           of the 11th day, 
                   of the 11th month...

We will remember them. 


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Loved this post Lorrie--thank you!

  2. I remember as a schoolgirl selling poppies and memorizing In Flanders Field. Do children still do that in school, I wonder?

    My father took Veteran's Day seriously and expected us to also. He and 3 of his brothers served in WW II and all came home safely. He never forgot the many who did not and he taught my sisters and I to remember them.

  3. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Beautiful photo for a very special day of remembrance.

  4. Yes we will remember and be grateful.

  5. Poppies for remembrance of so many. . . . . and today, in 1942, my parents were married, this is always a very emotional date for me. The sun has has actually decided to make an appearance here after many dismal days - it makes the day even more special.

    Your photo is lovely Lorrie.
    Thinking of those long gone and all they gave.
    Mary -

  6. How very thoughtful Lorrie. Together we honour those who have fought for our country and for our freedom.

  7. Anonymous12:16 PM

    So beautiful, Lorrie. The veterans have forever changed our lives for the better.

    I thought I had you on my blogroll but I think with changing blogs, I misplaced it. I am glad you commented and am following you.

    Have a lovely evening!

  8. A beautiful remembrance~

  9. Amen, Lorrie...and may we never, ever forget them! xo Diana

  10. A beautiful reminder so simply put.


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