Sunday, November 01, 2015

The Blue Hour - L'Heure Bleue

Rain pelted down much of Friday. Late in the afternoon, it ceased, just in time for a fast walk along the Selkirk waterway before going out for a casual birthday dinner with my husband. 

L'heure Bleue - the time of day when, because of the sun's angle, red light passes straight through into space and blue light is diffused. It's forty-five moments of uncertainty - is it day, or is it night?

During our walk the lights came on, twinkling across the water.  

Last night, these two cuties showed up on the doorstep, asking for treats. Who could resist? Not this Nana. They were very excited and I had to be quick to capture a photo. Don't you love the reflection of the lamp in the marble? 

After the Red Fish, and Sky from Paw Patrol (a show I'm just learning about) left for another party, we hopped in the car and headed over to the Woodland Fairy's house for a light dinner and trick or treating. Don't you think her wand is appropriate for the woods? 

Her mother created the costume and sparkles are everywhere in the house. Little Miss S calls them "Farkles" and the word has caught on. Getting her to smile and look at Nana was also difficult. There was CANDY to collect! 

I love October. Thanksgiving, my birthday, and then our daughter's birthday on November 1 (which I tack on to October) makes for lots of celebration. Add Halloween into the mix for even more fun. Tonight we're all (adults) going out for dinner to an Italian restaurant. 

How was your weekend?

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage.  


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Happy birthday to you and your daughter. Your little candy gatherers were so darn cute! Ha ha, it.

  2. Oh my word, I love the woodland fairy costume. So gorgeous!! So glad you had a lovely holiday. Our holiday was such fun and I am looking forward to the quiet start of Nov. Have a lovely week! Kit

  3. Lorrie- What cuties! I am so glad you were able to see them all dressed and ready for the big night of trick-or-treating. They grow up so fast...enjoy every moment while hey are little like that!
    Happy birthday to you and your daughter. I love this month, too, and I hope you enjoy your dinner! xo Diana

  4. Happy Birthday to you both! What fun to get to spend time together and go out for a nice dinner. We have lots of celebrations these next couple of months. It's always FUN! Enjoy your evening! Eat lots of cake! Hugs, Diane

  5. Oh the kiddos are too cute. Donnie was Chance from Paw Patrol - he is crazy about that show and the books. I love the woodland fairy - just perfect. Lovely color in the evening with the light twinkling. We had a fairly quiet weekend - after our son's quick trip here from WV - until my camera quit working properly and we had to take it back to Best Buy - and they sent to to Connecticut to be repaired - I will miss is so much for the next 2 to 6 weeks.

  6. Oh. My. Goodness! Those little imps are outstandingly cute! Not surprised they were excited
    Your blue photos really are blue! I hope you had a lovely evening.
    Now I will be singing Joni Mitchell's song BLUE all day : )

  7. Getting up early to walk the dog I saw the sky was lavender. Don't think I've ever noticed that before.

  8. Happy Birthday and how cute the grand littles are. Farkles, lol!

    The blue hour is absolutely beautiful!!

  9. Your little grandkids look so cute! Love that woodland fairy costume, so adorable. You've had a great time of celebrating in your family for October. Happy Birthday to your daughter and I hope you all have a wonderful week :)

  10. You captured the blue hour perfectly. You sweet grans are adorable.

  11. The little trick or treaters are just the cutest. I love fairies who wear glasses. And now the holiday season begins. I will finish up the semester mid December, permanently retiring. December is our birthday month. Busy days ahead. I have never heard of the Hour of Blue. I'll look for it. With the time change back to Mountain Standard time, it will be dark by 5:00 PM. Here's to a successful week, Lorrie

  12. I love the Blue Hour!

    Your grandchildren are adorable!

    October is a favorite month of mine too! Now we are onto November and our Thanksgiving.

    Have a wonderful week!


  13. Beautiful images of L'heure bleue, Lorrie. Beautiful photos, too, of the little trick-or-treaters. Don't you love how random sounds become 'family words'. I am sure that you will be referring to 'farkles' for years to come!

  14. Beautiful Blue Hour! And such sweet pictures of your little trick or treaters, how adorable they are!
    Happy November, Lorrie.
    Helen xox

  15. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Aw...those three were cute, cute, cute. :-)

  16. Beautiful capture of the "blue hour." And cute costume photos. It is hard to get the kids to sit still for a picture, especially when candy is on your mind, but you did well.

  17. I love the blue hour too...and oh what adorable children....I love the green fairy costume!

  18. Happy Birthday, Lorrie!! I love the Blue Hour -- such an interesting phenomenon. We've managed to capture a few photos of it over the years; yours are really pretty. :) Well, those grandchildren are just adorable -- love the fairy costume and wand!! I love October and November too, Lorrie, and September as well. It's a special time of the year.

    I hope you have a lovely week!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  19. I've only ever captured the blue hour once in a photo and it sure does add a mysterious ambience. Being a Grandma that loves fairies I have fallen for the sweet wood fairy and I hope you'll tell her that your friends liked her costume. Also, not to put it away but wear in the summer for a fairy party.

  20. This is the first time that I've heard of the blue hour. Your grandchildren's costumes are adorable!

  21. It's wonderful to see your grandchildren all dressed up for Halloween. Their costumes and smiles are delightful! Over the years we have had fewer knocks on the door and this year I didn't answer the door once. In our area most of the farm children have grown up . I always enjoy your artistic photos Lorrie.

  22. The blue hour is lovely. We don't see it often here as the hills seems to block out that light after sunset.
    Your grands look delightful in their costumes, Lorrie! Halloween is such fun for the little ones. This grandma had fun going along for a few houses on my block with my granddaughter to "trick or treat!"

  23. Blue hour photos are so beautiful aren't they. Your grandkids are so adorable in their costumes. I, like you, am learning about Paw Patrol and Planes (1 and 2) and the characters. It keeps this Grammie on her toes! Have a great week!

  24. Your grandchildren are adorable and I am Nana to mine as well ;)

  25. My weekend was a delight with a grandson in costume as a rock star. I love your little ones in costume, the woodland fairy does enchant me. Oh the blue hour, I remember watching that blue hour pass with a beautiful sunset while we visit your beautiful city not too long ago.

  26. Their are so cute - like their costumes.
    I tried long time ago to get some good pics during the blue light period and finally gave up.
    Thanks for stopping by. She was going as Stevie Nicks, but did not go. It was an outdoor event and they predicted rain. She was not interest in the party anyway, just was going to hangout with some friends.

  27. What cutie pies arrived at your doorstep! Gorgeous costumes. And we are loving that word 'farkles'. We'd be adding it to the 'family' dictionary to be sure. One of those wonderful memory-making moments.

    A lovely post, as always, Lorrie. Thanks so much!


  28. Belated birthday greetings, what a lovely time you had. The photo of your woodland fairy is absolutely delightful, I wish she had come trick or treating to my house! Halloween is not such a big event in England, although becoming more so every year. The children in our hamlet have now grown up so we had a very quiet evening. But I had some small packets of sweets ready, just in case!

  29. I hadn't heard that term The Blue Hour before, but I hope to remember it...very nice. As are all your pictures, as usual. "Nice" is too weak a word to describe them, and the blessed life they describe. Happy Autumn to you, too!!

  30. They are completely adorable in their costumes!

    We have 3 birthdays grouped together at the end of October and first of November too!


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