Saturday, October 29, 2022

October Daily 29:


A quiet day at home punctuated by an afternoon walk in the neighbourhood. Many people were out enjoying the mild, cloudy weather. Young parents pushing babies in strollers, several groups of children playing basketball, one older man striding along with the help of walking poles, and a number of dog walkers. 

The trees look sparser every day with the carpet of leaves underneath becoming thicker. Gingko biloba leaves have such a delicate fan shape, and I stopped to admire the colour gradation. 

I saw this recipe for Parsnip-Apple Soup on Jan's blog, and while at the market I picked up a few parsnips. The apples came from one of our trees and I added a couple of carrots to the soup, which is why it has more colour. It's a delicious and warming soup for autumn. I omitted the milk and added a few tablespoons of cream, and I served it with a rosemary ricotta pesto. There is enough left for at least one more meal, and it's a recipe I'll be keeping in mind for the future, as well. 

Earlier I planted garlic, just a few cloves, in the garden. I was talking with my neighbour over the fence and he planted a few potatoes that had grown eyes. He said he did this last autumn, too, and they grew slowly over the winter and then more in the spring. I had a couple of potatoes in the same state, so planted them as well. An interesting experiment if nothing else. 

This evening I finished another Martin Walker mystery and will be taking a break from that author for awhile. I haven't decided on my next book. 

Another atmospheric river is set to arrive overnight, bringing lots of rain and mild temperatures to the island, so we have our raincoats and umbrellas ready. 


  1. That soup sounds yummy. The winds have arrived here this morning. Love the ginkgo tree. B x

  2. I love the leaves of the Gingko biloba tree too with their pretty fan shaped leaves.
    I had planned to make some roast parsnip soup with chestnuts and a touch of honey today, but now there will be a few apples too accompanying the mix - thank you for the idea.

  3. Lovely photos, Lorrie! The Gingko is a fascinating tree. I made today a creamy potato-carrot-parsley soup and while in the kitchen, was admiring some water birds fishing in the gusty waters of our small lake. :) Stormy winds were forecasted for last night but fortunately they didn't become very strong.
    An atmospheric river was a new concept to me. I tried to see what it could be in Finnish and found some articles about it. I learned something interesting today!
    Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Forgot to add: I hope it will not rain too much there!

  4. That soup sounds wonderful and perfect for a fall day!

  5. I think I need to come to your house, Lorrie! I am very fond of parsnips but Miriam would rather eat dirt, so we seldom have them. Once in a while if we make a stew I will roast a few in the oven for myself, but I would much prefer to add them to the pot to flavour the whole dish. I am parsnip deprived!

  6. It's changing seasons! Next weekend will be daylight savings, what a pain! I heard about that atmospheric river. You guys are getting it!

  7. People out and about sounds lovely. A community being a community enhances every season.

  8. Your parsnip-apple soup looks delicious. I made a butternut squash-pear soup last week which was also satisfyingly yummy. Those ginko bilabo leaves are thrilling to see - gorgeous shape.

  9. Hi Lorrie~ Your walk sounds delightful. I have never seen Gingko Biloba leaves, they are beautiful. Parsnips just remind me of autumn. Your soup looks delicious, warm and comforting...I love soup and I really enjoy it the next day as left overs. Hugs, Barb

  10. Those ginkgo leaves are so pretty. Parsnip soup sounds and looks delicious! This is soup season after all!

  11. Your soup looks delicious, many thanks for the link and mention back to the low carb diabetic blog.
    I just think this time of year almost invites a tasty bowl of soup into the kitchen :)

    Enjoy these last days of October.

    All the best Jan

  12. Your soup looks so hearty and comforting, Lorrie.

    I've never seen leaves of the the Gingko tree before!

    Beautiful photos as always, Lorrie 💐

  13. What a pretty picture of your soup in that blue bowl set on the white plate with its raised dots! I'll click on the link and fetch the recipe to try. And I do love the gingko trees in fall, our local post office is aglow right now with them planted all around the parking lot.

  14. Oh yes, that soup sounds and looks good!


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