Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Sleepover at Nana's

It would be easy to turn this into a baby blog, but then most of my readers would lose interest. But Adria's first sleepover requires at least a passing mention. While her parents enjoyed their anniversary in a local resort, Nana and Grandpa looked after baby. She was an utter delight. Happy, smiling, charming us with smiles and crawling antics. I'm looking forward to many more grandbaby sleepovers!

In addition to grandbaby, good friends came to spend the weekend. Don and Phyllis are the friends we've had for the longest length of time (as opposed to our oldest friends - which could be taken two ways.) On Saturday afternoon, grandbaby's parents took her for a couple of hours and we took our guests to Englishman River Falls for a short hike. 

Cool green water, warm sunshine, earthy forest smells - all delightful.

On Sunday afternoon grandbaby's parents plus our eldest daughter and her husband joined us for lunch. Our children think of Don and Phyllis and their family as uncle, aunt and cousins. They fulfilled that role in our lives for 21 years in Ecuador. 

Sunday afternoon the children left for home. Monday morning, I drove Don and Phyllis to the ferry. I did a little shopping, then came home and tried to study. Instead, I took a nap. It was wonderful! There's a reason why babies are for the younger set. 


  1. Youre so, SO right! To everything there is a season... thanks for reminding me, Lorrie!
    Gosh those 'earthy forest smells' must be delightful for sure! What a peaceful spot you shared with us! The baby is adorable.
    Monica xo

  2. Lovely time was had by all by the sound of it! Beautiful scenery you have there.

  3. How blessed you were. First sleep over with Oliver at 5. Coming for his next one next week too.

    Isn't it the greatest feeling in the world to have those darling grand children to stay.

    Thank you for your prayers and care.

    Blessings Barbara X

  4. I would not object if you turned this into a baby blog. What a beautiful little girl and I can see how she charmed you ever so easily. Yes, babies are exhausting and I always find myself feeling a little sorry for those moms who waited twenty years for children. Being a grandmother is having the best of two worlds...

  5. Babies!! So rewarding, and yes, so exhausting! I bet you all had a super time.

  6. Sounds like a truly fun, enjoyable weekend.

  7. Oh those baby photos - adorable!!
    When baby wants to sleep so do I - it works well!!

    There's nothing like old friends, especially ones who enjoy the same things - as yours do!!

    Shane :)

  8. Oh my goodness Lorrie...what a wonderful "first" you have to write in your grandmother's journal or scrapbook. The "Adria" collage is definitely my favorite of the summer. It must have been wonderful to have your friends for the weekend as well. As they say - friends are the family we choose for ourselves. Keep smiling!

  9. I wouldn´t mind if this turned to a baby blog, at all! Your baby is adorable and the scenery is spectacular ! Guess you had a great time for yourself, MOMS deserve that!

  10. Lucky you! I'd love to have grandbaby for sleepovers!

  11. Such a beautiful collage, such precious subject mattter. "Earthy forest smells" caught my attention, too. A deep breathe, connect with memory and I am there.

  12. I love that baby collage!...especially the photo of the reach for the foot! You are so lucky to have her close enough for a sleepover.

  13. Your grand daughter is so cute! It must have been so much fun to have her sleep over.

  14. So glad the first sleepover went well! Such a sweet munchkin!

    We enjoyed our visit to Englishman Falls the last time we were on the island. Lovely!


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