Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In Veronica's Garden

"How wonderful yellow is. It stands for the sun." 
Vincent Van Gogh

I'm not usually a fan of yellow flowers, but lately I've been drawn to their sunny nature. When we visited Milner Gardens on Sunday, the yellow flowers seemed to say, "Here I am - notice me." 

I read the book about Veronica and her life shortly after we moved here. Pondside recommended it to me. I find that knowing more about the places I visit gives me a greater context and more enjoyment.

There's an area cordoned off for a vegetable and berry patch and in it is the Children's Garden. School children come and plant flowers and vegetables. Throughout the Children's Garden are tiny rubber boots filled with flowers. Utterly charming.

This loose arrangement of flowers, some wild, some planted, sat on the weathered, 17th century refectory table in the dining room. Most, if not all, of the furniture in that room is 17th Century English. The house is open to visitors, and tea is served in the living room and former library, the walls still lined with full bookshelves.

I think of the miles the furniture has traveled, and the many people who have sat at the table, laughing, crying, discussing, arguing, loving. 

I sat myself down in one of the chairs, this one carved with 1649, and let my mind wander, for a few seconds, over time and history, thinking of all this chair  might have experienced or heard, had it mind and ears.

Strolling through Veronica's Garden - a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

Just one more thing - this vine clings to a wall on the gardener's cottage. There was no tag to identify it, and I'm wondering if any of my readers might know its name. 


  1. Oddly, yellow flowers are my favorite color of flowers! No idea what the vine is but it is pretty.

  2. That is an unusual climber, I'm sorry that I don't know it.

  3. Sounds like you had a very enjoyable day in the garden :) Love the flower arrangement on the table, I love cut bouquets from the garden. Have a great evening Lorrie.

  4. We visited Milner Gardens when we were on the island two years ago. A lovely spot!

    Sorry...I can't help identify the vine. Pretty though!

  5. What a lovely afternoon you must have had. I'll be checking back to see if anyone can identify the vine - it's quite lovely.

  6. It sounds and looks like a lovely place to spend some time, sorry can't help with identifying the climber!

  7. Very interesting garden... I'm off to follow your link and learn more.

  8. I believe that the climber is a type of Chocolate Vine. The flowers look different than I'm familiar with, but the leaves and the berries look right.

    I too am not a fan of yellow, but I think that they sneak themselves into life like an overly helpful neighbor that you find yourself grateful for one day.

  9. Quelle belle journée vous avez dû passer ! Les fleurs sont magnifiques (je n'aime pas non plus le jaune dans mon jardin, mais cette année j'ai fait pousser des soucis en orange et certains étaient jaunes - tant que la couleur est peu présente, elle met en valeur les autres plantes) et j'aime beaucoup le bouquet. Moi aussi j'aurais été du genre à m'asseoir et rêver aux temps passés et me demander qui s'est assis sur cette chaise et comment était la vie à cette époque.
    Pour ce qui est de cette charmante plante grimpante, je suis vraiment désolée mais je n'en ai jamais vu de pareille, et je ne sais pas du tout comment elle peut s'appeler ! En tout cas, elle est superbe.

  10. A nice placed to stroll and I loved the planted boots.
    Good photo of yourself Lorrie.


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