Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today in the Garden

I harvested the first ripe Early Girl (I think) tomato. Enough green beans to freeze 2 small packages for soup. One cucumber. A few cherry tomatoes.

And a LOT of squash. I thought I planted yellow summer squash - like zucchini, but instead I have this crookneck squash that has a taste and texture that is a cross between summer squash and winter squash. I like it, but I'm running out of ways to cook it. Any ideas out there?


  1. Hi Lorrie...please pass those little cherry tomatoes! Everything looks delicious ... Enjoy!

  2. Like you I am running out of ways to cook courgettes/zucchini.
    Just picked another half a dozen this afternoon.
    I plan on blogging about 101 ways with courgettes very soon!

  3. One of my favorite ways to prepare squash, is to peel it and parboil it for about 5-6 minutes, then saute it in garlic butter with a little bit of basil. Sprinkle some parmesan on when you serve it. Delicious!

  4. We do something like MotherT's suggestion above, except I never thought of the basil - that's one to try! We also chop it into cubes and cover it with cheese sauce (then more grated cheese) and bake it in the oven. Yum!

  5. hi lorrie
    what a wonderful harvest!!!!
    i like tomatoes,too.
    have a wonderful day,
    love regina

  6. Beautiful, bountiful harvest. I love the arrangement of red and green in the basket of tomatoes, beans and cucumber. Perhaps an adaptation of a butternut squash soup recipe would work for your excess crooknecks.

  7. Mmmmm.... those lovely tomatoes remind me of the recipe you shared a few summers ago.... I'll have to bring it out and make it soon.

  8. Wonderful garden bounty! I recently saw a recipe for corna dn yellow summer squash soup that looked very good. I also make squash risotto from time to time which is tasty --make sure to remove all the squash seeds and chopp it fine and use chicken broth as the base.

  9. Could you lob a few of those tomatoes our way? We will be harvesting green tomatoes this year - so it's a good thing I like chow-chow and green tomato curry. I guess it's just a bit high and shady to have grown tomatoes in a cool summer.

  10. Great pickings Lorrie!!
    I'm looking forward to summer with an abundance of fresh vegetables from the garden!
    I can't wait to try Mother T's recipe for squash and courgettes - yummy!
    Shane :)

  11. That harvest is so pretty. I am watching my two little zucchinis with an eagle eye. I'm so impatient that I may have to grab them before they get too much larger. I envy you those lovely tomatoes.

    How have you been serving your squash? Do you like soup? I like it made up into a creamed soup.


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